赫晓东(Xiaodong He)
Hierarchical attention networks for document classification
Z Yang, D Yang, C Dyer, X He, A Smola, E Hovy
Proceedings of the 2016 conference of the North American chapter of the …, 2016
Bottom-up and top-down attention for image captioning and visual question answering
P Anderson, X He, C Buehler, D Teney, M Johnson, S Gould, L Zhang
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018
Embedding entities and relations for learning and inference in knowledge bases
B Yang, W Yih, X He, J Gao, L Deng
arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.6575, 2014
Recent advances in deep learning for speech research at Microsoft
L Deng, J Li, JT Huang, K Yao, D Yu, F Seide, M Seltzer, G Zweig, X He, ...
2013 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2013
Lightweight, superelastic, and mechanically flexible graphene/polyimide nanocomposite foam for strain sensor application
Y Qin, Q Peng, Y Ding, Z Lin, C Wang, Y Li, F Xu, J Li, Y Yuan, X He, Y Li
ACS nano 9 (9), 8933-8941, 2015
Multimodal intelligence: Representation learning, information fusion, and applications
C Zhang, Z Yang, X He, L Deng
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 14 (3), 478-493, 2020
A self-healing cementitious composite using oil core/silica gel shell microcapsules
Z Yang, J Hollar, X He, X Shi
Cement and Concrete Composites 33 (4), 506-512, 2011
Occurrence and health implication of fluoride in groundwater of loess aquifer in the Chinese loess plateau: a case study of Tongchuan, Northwest China
P Li, X He, Y Li, G Xiang
Exposure and Health 11 (2), 95-107, 2019
Microwave absorption enhancement of porous C@ CoFe2O4 nanocomposites derived from eggshell membrane
L Huang, J Li, Z Wang, Y Li, X He, Y Yuan
Carbon 143, 507-516, 2019
Spatial groundwater quality and potential health risks due to nitrate ingestion through drinking water: a case study in Yan’an City on the Loess Plateau of northwest China
P Li, X He, W Guo
Human and ecological risk assessment: an international journal 25 (1-2), 11-31, 2019
Rechargeable solid-state lithium metal batteries with vertically aligned ceramic nanoparticle/polymer composite electrolyte
X Wang, H Zhai, B Qie, Q Cheng, A Li, J Borovilas, B Xu, C Shi, T Jin, ...
Nano Energy 60, 205-212, 2019
Dependence of elastic and optical properties on surface terminated groups in two-dimensional MXene monolayers: a first-principles study
Y Bai, K Zhou, N Srikanth, JHL Pang, X He, R Wang
RSC advances 6 (42), 35731-35739, 2016
Assignment of semantic labels to a sequence of words using neural network architectures
A Deoras, K Yao, X He, L Deng, GG Zweig, R Sarikaya, D Yu, MY Hwang, ...
US Patent 10,867,597, 2020
Geochemistry, hydraulic connectivity and quality appraisal of multilayered groundwater in the Hongdunzi Coal Mine, Northwest China
P Li, J Wu, R Tian, S He, X He, C Xue, K Zhang
Mine Water and the Environment 37 (2), 222-237, 2018
Confidence threshold tuning
JJ Odell, L Jiang, W Zhang, X He
US Patent 8,396,715, 2013
Preparation of a carbon nanotube/carbon fiber multi-scale reinforcement by grafting multi-walled carbon nanotubes onto the fibers
X He, F Zhang, R Wang, W Liu
Carbon 45 (13), 2559-2563, 2007
Deep reinforcement learning with a natural language action space
J He, J Chen, X He, J Gao, L Li, L Deng, M Ostendorf
arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.04636, 2015
Hydrochemical characteristics and quality evaluation of groundwater in terms of health risks in Luohe aquifer in Wuqi County of the Chinese Loess Plateau, northwest China
X He, J Wu, S He
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal 25 (1-2), 32-51, 2019
Groundwater arsenic and fluoride and associated arsenicosis and fluorosis in China: occurrence, distribution and management
X He, P Li, Y Ji, Y Wang, Z Su, V Elumalai
Exposure and health 12 (3), 355-368, 2020
High emissivity coatings for high temperature application: Progress and prospect
X He, Y Li, L Wang, Y Sun, S Zhang
Thin Solid Films 517 (17), 5120-5129, 2009
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