Laura Minet
Laura Minet
Потвърден имейл адрес: uvic.ca
Development and comparison of air pollution exposure surfaces derived from on-road mobile monitoring and short-term stationary sidewalk measurements
L Minet, R Liu, MF Valois, J Xu, S Weichenthal, M Hatzopoulou
Environmental science & technology 52 (6), 3512-3519, 2018
Robustness of land-use regression models developed from mobile air pollutant measurements
M Hatzopoulou, MF Valois, I Levy, C Mihele, G Lu, S Bagg, L Minet, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 51 (7), 3938-3947, 2017
Capturing the sensitivity of land-use regression models to short-term mobile monitoring campaigns using air pollution micro-sensors
L Minet, R Gehr, M Hatzopoulou
Environmental Pollution 230, 280-290, 2017
Health and climate benefits of electric vehicle deployment in the greater Toronto and Hamilton area
Y Gai, L Minet, ID Posen, A Smargiassi, LF Tétreault, M Hatzopoulou
Environmental pollution 265, 114983, 2020
Cyclists’ personal exposure to traffic-related air pollution and its influence on bikeability
PTM Tran, M Zhao, K Yamamoto, L Minet, T Nguyen, R Balasubramanian
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 88, 102563, 2020
Predicting traffic-related air pollution using feature extraction from built environment images
A Ganji, L Minet, S Weichenthal, M Hatzopoulou
Environmental science & technology 54 (17), 10688-10699, 2020
Greenhouse gas emission mitigation pathways for urban passenger land transport under ambitious climate targets
A Milovanoff, L Minet, L Cheah, ID Posen, HL MacLean, ...
Environmental science & technology 55 (12), 8236-8246, 2021
Should traffic-related air pollution and noise be considered when designing urban bicycle networks?
L Minet, J Stokes, J Scott, J Xu, S Weichenthal, M Hatzopoulou
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 65, 736-749, 2018
Quantifying the air quality and health benefits of greening freight movements
L Minet, T Chowdhury, A Wang, Y Gai, ID Posen, M Roorda, ...
Environmental research 183, 109193, 2020
Use and release of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in consumer food packaging in US and Canada
L Minet, Z Wang, A Shalin, TA Bruton, A Blum, GF Peaslee, ...
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 24 (11), 2032-2042, 2022
Acute cardiovascular health effects in a panel study of personal exposure to traffic-related air pollutants and noise in Toronto, Canada
R Biel, C Danieli, M Shekarrizfard, L Minet, M Abrahamowicz, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 16703, 2020
Influence of travel behaviour and daily mobility on exposure to traffic-related air pollution
M Shekarrizfard, L Minet, E Miller, B Yusuf, S Weichenthal, ...
Environmental Research 184, 109326, 2020
Within-city variation in reactive oxygen species from fine particle air pollution and COVID-19
DM Stieb, GJ Evans, TM To, PSJ Lakey, M Shiraiwa, M Hatzopoulou, ...
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 204 (2), 168-177, 2021
Extending the spatial scale of land use regression models for ambient ultrafine particles using satellite images and deep convolutional neural networks
KY Hong, PO Pinheiro, L Minet, M Hatzopoulou, S Weichenthal
Environmental research 176, 108513, 2019
Assessing the transferability of landuse regression models for ultrafine particles across two Canadian cities
J Zalzal, I Alameddine, C El Khoury, L Minet, M Shekarrizfard, ...
Science of the total environment 662, 722-734, 2019
Predicting Spatial Variations in Multiple Measures of PM2.5 Oxidative Potential and Magnetite Nanoparticles in Toronto and Montreal, Canada
S Ripley, L Minet, J Zalzal, K Godri Pollitt, D Gao, PSJ Lakey, M Shiraiwa, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 56 (11), 7256-7265, 2021
Health and climate incentives for the deployment of cleaner on-road vehicle technologies
L Minet, A Wang, M Hatzopoulou
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (10), 6602-6612, 2021
High production, low information: We need to know more about polymeric flame retardants
L Minet, A Blum, SR Fernández, KM Rodgers, V Singla, A Soehl, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (6), 3467-3469, 2021
Capturing the spatial variability of noise levels based on a short-term monitoring campaign and comparing noise surfaces against personal exposures collected through a panel study
M Fallah-Shorshani, L Minet, R Liu, C Plante, S Goudreau, T Oiamo, ...
Environmental research 167, 662-672, 2018
Changes in industrial air pollution and the onset of childhood asthma in Quebec, Canada
Y Liu, X Geng, A Smargiassi, M Fournier, SM Gamage, J Zalzal, ...
Environmental Research 243, 117831, 2024
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