Nathan Morrical
Nathan Morrical
University of Utah, Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute
Потвърден имейл адрес: sci.utah.edu - Начална страница
Nvisii: A scriptable tool for photorealistic image generation
N Morrical, J Tremblay, Y Lin, S Tyree, S Birchfield, V Pascucci, I Wald
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.13962, 2021
RTX beyond ray tracing: Exploring the use of hardware ray tracing cores for tet-mesh point location.
I Wald, W Usher, N Morrical, L Lediaev, V Pascucci
High Performance Graphics (Short Papers) 7, 13, 2019
Efficient space skipping and adaptive sampling of unstructured volumes using hardware accelerated ray tracing
N Morrical, W Usher, I Wald, V Pascucci
2019 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS), 256-260, 2019
Rtmv: A ray-traced multi-view synthetic dataset for novel view synthesis
J Tremblay, M Meshry, A Evans, J Kautz, A Keller, S Khamis, T Müller, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.07058, 2022
Accelerating unstructured mesh point location with RT cores
N Morrical, I Wald, W Usher, V Pascucci
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 28 (8), 2852-2866, 2020
An GPU-accelerated particle tracking method for Eulerian–Lagrangian simulations using hardware ray tracing cores
B Wang, I Wald, N Morrical, W Usher, L Mu, K Thompson, R Hughes
Computer Physics Communications 271, 108221, 2022
Ray tracing structured AMR data using ExaBricks
I Wald, S Zellmann, W Usher, N Morrical, U Lang, V Pascucci
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 27 (2), 625-634, 2020
AMM: Adaptive multilinear meshes
H Bhatia, D Hoang, N Morrical, V Pascucci, PT Bremer, P Lindstrom
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 28 (6), 2350-2363, 2022
A memory efficient encoding for ray tracing large unstructured data
I Wald, N Morrical, S Zellmann
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 28 (1), 583-592, 2021
Improving the usability of virtual reality neuron tracing with topological elements
T McDonald, W Usher, N Morrical, A Gyulassy, S Petruzza, F Federer, ...
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 27 (2), 744-754, 2020
Using hardware ray transforms to accelerate ray/primitive intersections for long, thin primitive types
I Wald, N Morrical, S Zellmann, L Ma, W Usher, T Huang, V Pascucci
Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques 3 (2 …, 2020
Spatiotemporal Blue Noise Masks.
A Wolfe, N Morrical, T Akenine-Möller, R Ramamoorthi, A Ghosh, L Wei
EGSR (ST), 117-126, 2022
Ray-traced shell traversal of tetrahedral meshes for direct volume visualization
A Şahıstan, S Demirci, N Morrical, S Zellmann, A Aman, I Wald, ...
2021 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS), 91-95, 2021
Finding Efficient Spatial Distributions for Massively Instanced 3-d Models.
S Zellmann, N Morrical, I Wald, V Pascucci
EGPGV@ Eurographics/EuroVis, 1-11, 2020
Quick clusters: A GPU-parallel partitioning for efficient path tracing of unstructured volumetric grids
N Morrical, A Sahistan, U Güdükbay, I Wald, V Pascucci
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 29 (1), 537-547, 2022
Point containment queries on ray-tracing cores for AMR flow visualization
S Zellmann, D Seifried, N Morrical, I Wald, W Usher, JAP Law-Smith, ...
Computing in Science & Engineering 24 (2), 40-51, 2022
A virtual frame buffer abstraction for parallel rendering of large tiled display walls
M Han, I Wald, W Usher, N Morrical, A Knoll, V Pascucci, CR Johnson
2020 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS), 11-15, 2020
Faster RTX-Accelerated Empty Space Skipping using Triangulated Active Region Boundary Geometry.
I Wald, S Zellmann, N Morrical
EGPGV@ EuroVis, 37-44, 2021
Rtmv: A ray-traced multi-view synthetic dataset for novel view synthesis. IEEE
J Tremblay, M Meshry, A Evans, J Kautz, A Keller, S Khamis, C Loop, ...
CVF European Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (Learn3DG ECCVW) 2022 (2), 5, 2022
OWL–The Optix 7 Wrapper Library, 2020
I Wald, N Morrical, E Haines
URL: https://github. com/owl-project/owl 2, 2022
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