A study of internal hydrogen embrittlement of steels GP Tiwari, A Bose, JK Chakravartty, SL Wadekar, MK Totlani, RN Arya, ... Materials Science and Engineering: A 286 (2), 269-281, 2000 | 224 | 2000 |
Evolution of microstructure and deformation resistance in creep of tempered martensitic 9–12% Cr–2% W–5% Co steels R Agamennone, W Blum, C Gupta, JK Chakravartty Acta materialia 54 (11), 3003-3014, 2006 | 165 | 2006 |
Use of miniature tensile specimen for measurement of mechanical properties K Kumar, A Pooleery, K Madhusoodanan, RN Singh, JK Chakravartty, ... Procedia engineering 86, 899-909, 2014 | 142 | 2014 |
Low temperature thermal aging of austenitic stainless steel welds: Kinetics and effects on mechanical properties K Chandra, V Kain, V Bhutani, VS Raja, R Tewari, GK Dey, ... Materials Science and Engineering: A 534, 163-175, 2012 | 142 | 2012 |
Hydrogen in Zircaloy: Mechanism and its impacts S Suman, MK Khan, M Pathak, RN Singh, JK Chakravartty International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 40 (17), 5976-5994, 2015 | 129 | 2015 |
Softening of Al during multi-axial forging in a channel die R Kapoor, A Sarkar, R Yogi, SK Shekhawat, I Samajdar, JK Chakravartty Materials Science and Engineering: A 560, 404-412, 2013 | 119 | 2013 |
Processing map for hot working of alpha-zirconium JK Chakravartty, Y Prasad, MK Asundi Metallurgical Transactions A 22, 829-836, 1991 | 106 | 1991 |
Effect of serrated flow on deformation behaviour of AISI 403 stainless steel C Gupta, JK Chakravartty, SL Wadekar, JS Dubey Materials Science and Engineering: A 292 (1), 49-55, 2000 | 99 | 2000 |
Dynamic recrystallization during hot deformation of 304 austenitic stainless steel A Marchattiwar, A Sarkar, JK Chakravartty, BP Kashyap Journal of materials engineering and performance 22, 2168-2175, 2013 | 98 | 2013 |
Use of artificial neural networks to predict the deformation behavior of Zr–2.5 Nb–0.5 Cu R Kapoor, D Pal, JK Chakravartty Journal of Materials Processing Technology 169 (2), 199-205, 2005 | 86 | 2005 |
Severe plastic deformation of copper using multiple compression in a channel die A Kundu, R Kapoor, R Tewari, JK Chakravartty Scripta Materialia 58 (3), 235-238, 2008 | 84 | 2008 |
Effects of cyclic deformation on subgrain evolution and creep in 9–12% Cr-steels JS Dubey, H Chilukuru, JK Chakravartty, M Schwienheer, A Scholz, ... Materials Science and Engineering: A 406 (1-2), 152-159, 2005 | 83 | 2005 |
Deformation behavior of an ultrafine-grained Al–Mg alloy produced by equal-channel angular pressing R Kapoor, JK Chakravartty Acta Materialia 55 (16), 5408-5418, 2007 | 82 | 2007 |
Chemistry of one dimensional silicon carbide materials: Principle, production, application and future prospects J Prakash, R Venugopalan, BM Tripathi, SK Ghosh, JK Chakravartty, ... Progress in Solid State Chemistry 43 (3), 98-122, 2015 | 80 | 2015 |
Recovery of uranium from phosphoric acid: a review DK Singh, S Mondal, JK Chakravartty Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange 34 (3), 201-225, 2016 | 71 | 2016 |
A study of bainite transformation in a new CrMoV steel under continuous cooling conditions C Gupta, GK Dey, JK Chakravartty, D Srivastav, S Banerjee Scripta Materialia 53 (5), 559-564, 2005 | 70 | 2005 |
Scratch behavior of aluminum anodized in oxalic acid: Effect of anodizing potential RK Choudhary, P Mishra, V Kain, K Singh, S Kumar, JK Chakravartty Surface and Coatings Technology 283, 135-147, 2015 | 69 | 2015 |
A study of hot deformation behavior and microstructural characterization of Mo–TZM alloy S Majumdar, R Kapoor, S Raveendra, H Sinha, I Samajdar, P Bhargava, ... Journal of nuclear materials 385 (3), 545-551, 2009 | 69 | 2009 |
Characterization of hot deformation behaviour of Zr 2.5 Nb 0.5 Cu using processing maps JK Chakravartty, GK Dey, S Banerjee, Y Prasad Journal of Nuclear Materials 218 (2), 247-255, 1995 | 66 | 1995 |
Characterization of hot deformation behavior of Zr–1Nb–1Sn alloy JK Chakravartty, R Kapoor, S Banerjee, Y Prasad Journal of nuclear materials 362 (1), 75-86, 2007 | 55 | 2007 |