emeritus marien bioloog, Nederlands Instituut voor Zeeonderzoek (NIOZ)
Потвърден имейл адрес: nioz.nl
On iron limitation of the Southern Ocean: experimental observations in the Weddell and Scotia Seas
HJW de Baar, AGJ Buma, RF Nolting, GC Cadée, G Jacques, PJ Tréguer
Marine ecology progress series, 105-122, 1990
Primary production of the benthic microflora living on tidal flats in the Dutch Wadden Sea
GC Cadée, J Hegeman
Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 8 (2-3), 260-291, 1974
Climate‐related changes in recruitment of the bivalve Macoma balthica
CJM Philippart, HM Van Aken, JJ Beukema, OG Bos, GC Cadée, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 48 (6), 2171-2185, 2003
Phaeocystis blooms and eutrophication of the continental coastal zones of the North Sea
R Riegman, AAM Noordeloos, GC Cadée
Marine Biology 112, 479-484, 1992
Sediment reworking by Arenicola marina on tidal flats in the Dutch Wadden Sea
GC Cadée
Netherlands Journal of Sea Research, 1976
Effects of grazing, sedimentation and phytoplankton cell lysis on the structure of a coastal pelagic food web
CPD Brussaard, R Riegman, AAM Noordeloos, GC Cadée, H Witte, ...
Marine ecology progress series 123, 259-271, 1995
Phytoplankton in the Marsdiep at the end of the 20th century; 30 years monitoring biomass, primary production, and Phaeocystis blooms
GC Cadée, J Hegeman
Journal of Sea Research 48 (2), 97-110, 2002
Molluscan biocoenoses and thanatocoenoses in the Ria de Arosa, Galicia, Spain
G Cadée
Zoologische Verhandelingen 95 (1), 1-121, 1968
Primary production of phytoplankton in the Dutch Wadden Sea
GC Cadée, J Hegeman
Netherlands Journal of Sea Research, 1974
Impacts of nutrient reduction on coastal communities
CJM Philippart, JJ Beukema, GC Cadée, R Dekker, PW Goedhart, ...
Ecosystems 10, 96-119, 2007
Seasonal and annual variation in Phaeocystis pouchetii (Haptophyceae) in the westernmost inlet of the Wadden Sea during the 1973 to 1985 period
GC Cadée, J Hegeman
Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 20 (1), 29-36, 1986
Long‐term phytoplankton‐nutrient interactions in a shallow coastal sea: Algal community structure, nutrient budgets, and denitrification potential
CJM Philippart, GC Cadée, W van Raaphorst, R Riegman
Limnology and oceanography 45 (1), 131-144, 2000
Zoobenthos responses to eutrophication of the Dutch Wadden Sea
JJ Beukema, GC Cadée
Ophelia 26 (1), 55-64, 1986
Tissue composition and reproduction of Mytilus edulis in relation to food availability
H Pieters, JH Kluytmans, DI Zandee, GC Cadee
Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 14 (3-4), 349-361, 1980
Distribution of primary production of the benthic microflora and accumulation of organic matter on a tidal flat area, Balgzand, Dutch Wadden Sea
GC Cadée, J Hegeman
Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 11 (1), 24-41, 1977
Seabirds and floating plastic debris
GC Cadée
Marine pollution bulletin 44 (11), 1294-1295, 2002
Increased phytoplankton primary production in the Marsdiep area (western Dutch Wadden Sea)
GC Cadée
Netherlands journal of sea research 20 (2-3), 285-290, 1986
Local differences in macrozoobenthic response to enhanced food supply caused by mild eutrophication in a Wadden Sea area. Food is only locally a limiting factor
JJ Beukema, GC Cadée
Limnology and Oceanography 42 (6), 1424-1435, 1997
Consequences of the sudden removal of nearly all mussels and cockles from the Dutch Wadden Sea
JJ Beukema, GC Cadée
Marine Ecology 17 (1-3), 279-289, 1996
Growth rates of the bivalve Macoma balthica in the Wadden Sea during a period of eutrophication: relationships with concentrations of pelagic diatoms and flagellates.
JJ Beukema, GC Cadée
Marine ecology progress series. Oldendorf 68 (3), 249-256, 1991
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