On iron limitation of the Southern Ocean: experimental observations in the Weddell and Scotia Seas HJW de Baar, AGJ Buma, RF Nolting, GC Cadée, G Jacques, PJ Tréguer Marine ecology progress series, 105-122, 1990 | 459 | 1990 |
Primary production of the benthic microflora living on tidal flats in the Dutch Wadden Sea GC Cadée, J Hegeman Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 8 (2-3), 260-291, 1974 | 434 | 1974 |
Climate‐related changes in recruitment of the bivalve Macoma balthica CJM Philippart, HM Van Aken, JJ Beukema, OG Bos, GC Cadée, ... Limnology and Oceanography 48 (6), 2171-2185, 2003 | 401 | 2003 |
Phaeocystis blooms and eutrophication of the continental coastal zones of the North Sea R Riegman, AAM Noordeloos, GC Cadée Marine Biology 112, 479-484, 1992 | 358 | 1992 |
Sediment reworking by Arenicola marina on tidal flats in the Dutch Wadden Sea GC Cadée Netherlands Journal of Sea Research, 1976 | 341 | 1976 |
Effects of grazing, sedimentation and phytoplankton cell lysis on the structure of a coastal pelagic food web CPD Brussaard, R Riegman, AAM Noordeloos, GC Cadée, H Witte, ... Marine ecology progress series 123, 259-271, 1995 | 305 | 1995 |
Phytoplankton in the Marsdiep at the end of the 20th century; 30 years monitoring biomass, primary production, and Phaeocystis blooms GC Cadée, J Hegeman Journal of Sea Research 48 (2), 97-110, 2002 | 283 | 2002 |
Molluscan biocoenoses and thanatocoenoses in the Ria de Arosa, Galicia, Spain G Cadée Zoologische Verhandelingen 95 (1), 1-121, 1968 | 259 | 1968 |
Primary production of phytoplankton in the Dutch Wadden Sea GC Cadée, J Hegeman Netherlands Journal of Sea Research, 1974 | 256 | 1974 |
Impacts of nutrient reduction on coastal communities CJM Philippart, JJ Beukema, GC Cadée, R Dekker, PW Goedhart, ... Ecosystems 10, 96-119, 2007 | 255 | 2007 |
Seasonal and annual variation in Phaeocystis pouchetii (Haptophyceae) in the westernmost inlet of the Wadden Sea during the 1973 to 1985 period GC Cadée, J Hegeman Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 20 (1), 29-36, 1986 | 236 | 1986 |
Long‐term phytoplankton‐nutrient interactions in a shallow coastal sea: Algal community structure, nutrient budgets, and denitrification potential CJM Philippart, GC Cadée, W van Raaphorst, R Riegman Limnology and oceanography 45 (1), 131-144, 2000 | 221 | 2000 |
Zoobenthos responses to eutrophication of the Dutch Wadden Sea JJ Beukema, GC Cadée Ophelia 26 (1), 55-64, 1986 | 197 | 1986 |
Tissue composition and reproduction of Mytilus edulis in relation to food availability H Pieters, JH Kluytmans, DI Zandee, GC Cadee Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 14 (3-4), 349-361, 1980 | 190 | 1980 |
Distribution of primary production of the benthic microflora and accumulation of organic matter on a tidal flat area, Balgzand, Dutch Wadden Sea GC Cadée, J Hegeman Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 11 (1), 24-41, 1977 | 184 | 1977 |
Seabirds and floating plastic debris GC Cadée Marine pollution bulletin 44 (11), 1294-1295, 2002 | 167 | 2002 |
Increased phytoplankton primary production in the Marsdiep area (western Dutch Wadden Sea) GC Cadée Netherlands journal of sea research 20 (2-3), 285-290, 1986 | 149 | 1986 |
Local differences in macrozoobenthic response to enhanced food supply caused by mild eutrophication in a Wadden Sea area. Food is only locally a limiting factor JJ Beukema, GC Cadée Limnology and Oceanography 42 (6), 1424-1435, 1997 | 147 | 1997 |
Consequences of the sudden removal of nearly all mussels and cockles from the Dutch Wadden Sea JJ Beukema, GC Cadée Marine Ecology 17 (1-3), 279-289, 1996 | 142 | 1996 |
Growth rates of the bivalve Macoma balthica in the Wadden Sea during a period of eutrophication: relationships with concentrations of pelagic diatoms and flagellates. JJ Beukema, GC Cadée Marine ecology progress series. Oldendorf 68 (3), 249-256, 1991 | 140 | 1991 |