Malte Oehlmann
Malte Oehlmann
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Efficient and equitable spatial allocation of renewable power plants at the country scale
M Drechsler, J Egerer, M Lange, F Masurowski, J Meyerhoff, M Oehlmann
Nature Energy 2 (9), 1-9, 2017
The influence of design dimensions on stated choices in an environmental context
J Meyerhoff, M Oehlmann, P Weller
Environmental and resource economics 61, 385-407, 2015
Uncovering context-induced status quo effects in choice experiments
M Oehlmann, J Meyerhoff, P Mariel, P Weller
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 81, 59-73, 2017
Stated preferences towards renewable energy alternatives in Germany–do the consequentiality of the survey and trust in institutions matter?
M Oehlmann, J Meyerhoff
Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 6 (1), 1-16, 2017
Stated and inferred attribute non-attendance in a design of designs approach
P Weller, M Oehlmann, P Mariel, J Meyerhoff
Journal of choice modelling 11, 43-56, 2014
Does the use of mobile devices (tablets and smartphones) affect survey quality and choice behaviour in web surveys?
U Liebe, K Glenk, M Oehlmann, J Meyerhoff
Journal of choice modelling 14, 17-31, 2015
The path towards herd immunity: Predicting COVID-19 vaccination uptake through results from a stated choice study across six continents
S Hess, E Lancsar, P Mariel, J Meyerhoff, F Song, ...
Social Science & Medicine 298, 114800, 2022
Quantifying landscape externalities of renewable energy development: Implications of attribute cut-offs in choice experiments
M Oehlmann, K Glenk, P Lloyd-Smith, J Meyerhoff
Resource and Energy Economics 65, 101240, 2021
Einstellungen und Präferenzen zum Ausbau Erneuerbarer Energien
GM Dobers, M Oehlmann, U Liebe, J Meyerhoff
Ökologisches Wirtschaften-Fachzeitschrift 30 (1), 16-17, 2015
The performance of full versus partial profile choice set designs in environmental valuation
J Meyerhoff, M Oehlmann
Ecological Economics 204, 107665, 2023
Efficient and equitable spatial allocation of renewable power plants at the country scale. Nat Energy 2, 17124
M Drechsler, J Egerer, M Lange, F Masurowski, J Meyerhoff, M Oehlmann
Efficient and equitable spatial allocation of renewable power plants at the country scale. Nat Energy 2017; 2: 17124
M Drechsler, J Egerer, M Lange, F Masurowski, J Meyerhoff, M Oehlmann
Keine Wende in Sicht: Einkommen & Umweltbelastung gehen weiter Hand in Hand
M Oehlmann, K Klaas, AC Nunes-Heinzmann, W Kahlenborn, A Ciroth
Umweltbundesamt, 2021
Stated and inferred attribute non-attendance in a design of designs approach. J Choice Model 11: 43–56
P Weller, M Oehlmann, P Mariel, J Meyerhoff
Wirkungen veränderter Einkommen auf den Ressourcenverbrauch: Abschlussbericht
M Oehlmann, M Linsenmeier, W Kahlenborn, K Götting, K Klaas, A Ciroth, ...
Umweltbundesamt, 2021
Wirtschaftliche Chancen durch Klimaschutz: die wachsenden Weltmärkte für Klimaschutzgüter und-dienstleistungen
J Blazejczak, D Edler, W Kahlenborn, M Linsenmeier, M Oehlmann, ...
Umweltbundesamt, 2019
Economic opportunities of climate action. Short report
W Kahlenborn, M Oehlmann, M Linsenmeier
Who has an appetite for insects? Identifying segments of early adopters of insect-based food and their product attribute preferences: Insights from a choice experiment study in …
B Puteri, M Oehlmann, B Jahnke
Food Research International 196, 114994, 2024
Demand effects of unilateral versus industry-wide sugar reduction scenarios
M Staudigel, M Oehlmann, J Roosen
Food Policy 126, 102668, 2024
Who benefits from climate investments? It depends.
U Lehr, M Flaute, M Oehlmann, R Büchele, P Andrae
IAEE European Conference, Vienna, Austria, 2017
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