El Bachir AMEUR
El Bachir AMEUR
Ibn Tofail University Kenitra Morocco
Потвърден имейл адрес: uit.ac.ma
New image steganography method based on Haar discrete wavelet transform
Y Taouil, EB Ameur, MT Belghiti
Europe and MENA Cooperation Advances in Information and Communication …, 2017
Segmentation of Arabic handwritten documents into text lines using watershed transform
Y Boulid, A Souhar, M Ouagague, E Ameur
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence …, 2017
Image steganography by deep CNN auto-encoder networks
I Kich, YT El Bachir Ameur, A Benhfid
International Journal 9 (4), 2020
A general multiresolution method for fitting functions on the sphere
EB Ameur, D Sbibih, P Sablonniere
Numerical Algorithms 34, 159-171, 2003
High imperceptibility image steganography methods based on HAAR DWT
Y Taouil, E Ameur, A Souhar, A El, M Belghiti
International Journal of Computer Applications 138 (10), 38-43, 2016
Steganographic Scheme Based on Message-Cover matching.
Y Taouil, EB Ameur
International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708) 8 (5), 2018
Datamining for fraud detecting, state of the art
I Bouazza, EB Ameur, F Ameur
Advanced Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Development (AI2SD’2018) Volume …, 2019
A data hiding scheme based on the Haar discrete wavelet transform and the K-LSB
Y Taouil, EB Ameur, A Benhfid, R Harba, R Jennane
Int. J. Imaging Robot 17, 41-53, 2017
New Image Steganography Method Based on K-means Clustering
I Kich, EB Ameur, A Souhar
Proceedings of the 2nd international Conference on Big Data, Cloud and …, 2017
Image Steganography by Modified Simple Linear Iterative Clustering
I Kich, B Ameur, Y Taouil
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 9 …, 2020
Adaptive steganographic scheme using a variable matrix embedding
Y Taouil, EB Ameur, A Benhfid, R Harba, H Douzi
International Journal of Information and Computer Security 17 (3-4), 231-260, 2022
Watershed transform for text lines extraction on binary Arabic handwriten documents
A Souhar, Y Boulid, E Ameur, MM Ouagague
Proceedings of the 2nd international Conference on Big Data, Cloud and …, 2017
Steganographic Algorithm Based on Adapting Secret Message to the Cover Image
Y Taouil, EB Ameur
Advanced Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Development (AI2SD’2018) Volume …, 2019
Image data hiding scheme based on spline interpolation and OPAP
A Benhfid, EB Ameur
International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms 6 (2 …, 2019
Year of Publication: 2016
Y Taouil, EB Ameur, A Souhar, A El Harraj, MT Belghiti
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Статии 1–15