Chang, Kuo-En
Chang, Kuo-En
Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering National Taiwan University
Потвърден имейл адрес: ntu.edu.tw
Long-range air pollution transport in East Asia during the first week of the COVID-19 lockdown in China
SM Griffith, WS Huang, CC Lin, YC Chen, KE Chang, TH Lin, SH Wang, ...
Science of the Total Environment 741, 140214, 2020
Quantifying the impacts of PM2. 5 constituents and relative humidity on visibility impairment in a suburban area of eastern Asia using long-term in-situ measurements
YC Ting, LH Young, TH Lin, SC Tsay, KE Chang, TC Hsiao
Science of The Total Environment 818, 151759, 2022
Particulate matter in a motorcycle-dominated urban area: source apportionment and cancer risk of lung deposited surface area (LDSA) concentrations
PK Chang, SM Griffith, HC Chuang, KJ Chuang, YH Wang, KE Chang, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 427, 128188, 2022
Modifying an image fusion approach for high spatiotemporal LST retrieval in surface dryness and evapotranspiration estimations
TW Januar, TH Lin, CY Huang, KE Chang
Remote Sensing 12 (3), 498, 2020
Embedded information of aerosol type, hygroscopicity and scattering enhancement factor revealed by the relationship between PM2. 5 and aerosol optical depth
KE Chang, TC Hsiao, SC Tsay, TH Lin, SM Griffith, CY Liu, CCK Chou
Science of The Total Environment 867, 161471, 2023
Potential Approach for Single-Peak Extinction Fitting of Aerosol Profiles Based on In Situ Measurements for the Improvement of Surface PM2.5 Retrieval from …
TH Lin, KE Chang, HP Chan, TC Hsiao, NH Lin, MT Chuang, HY Yeh
Remote Sensing 12 (13), 2174, 2020
A traffic-induced shift of ultrafine particle sources under COVID-19 soft lockdown in a subtropical urban area
TL Chen, TC Hsiao, AY Chen, KE Chang, TC Lin, SM Griffith, CCK Chou
Environment International 187, 108658, 2024
Mixing weight determination for retrieving optical properties of polluted dust with MODIS and AERONET data
KE Chang, TC Hsiao, NC Hsu, NH Lin, SH Wang, GR Liu, CY Liu, TH Lin
Environmental Research Letters 11 (8), 085002, 2016
Using radiance of cloud shadow for retrieve Investigation of AOD retrieval with Himawari-8 satellite data
TM Sun, YH Chang, KE Chang, TH Lin
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-6841, 2016
Quantifying the effects of the microphysical hygroscopic restructuring of soot on ensemble optical properties and satellite aerosol optical depth retrievals
KE Chang, TH Lin, TC Hsiao, YL Chang, TC Lin, CY Chan, CCK Chou
Science of The Total Environment 957, 177821, 2024
AOD-dry PM2. 5 Relationship with Consideration of Aerosol Type and Hygroscopicity
KE Chang, TC Hsiao, SM Griffith, YT Chen, TH Lin, SC Tsay, HY Yeh, ...
Authorea Preprints, 2022
Aerosol Extinction Profile Mapping with Lognormal Distribution Based on MPL Data
TH Lin, TT Lee, KE Chang, WH Lien, GR Liu, CY Liu
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, A33B-2362, 2017
Discrimination Biomass Burning Particles from Anthropogenic Pollutants in Spectral Property of Satellite and Ground-based Observations
TH Lin, WH Lien, KE Chang, GR Liu Sr, CY Liu, NH Lin
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, A23A-0281, 2015
Discrimination of Biomass Burning and Anthropogenic Pollutants for the Impact on the Downward Shortwave Flux with Satellite Retrieval
TH Lin, WH Lien, GR Liu, CY Liu, KE Chang
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 4257, 2015
Study of Optical Properties on Fractal Aggregation Using the GMM Method by Different Cluster Parameters
KE Chang, TH Lin, WH Lien
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 11832, 2015
The Retrieval of Dust/Soot Mixing Weight with MODIS and AERONET Data
T Lin, NC Hsu, K Chang, G Liu, C Liu, W Lang
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, A11H-03, 2013
結合 MODIS 與 MISR 觀測資料在氣膠單次散射反照率反演之應用
李國揚, 連偉宏, 張國恩, 林唐煌
航測及遙測學刊 17 (3), 203-220, 2013
MTSAT-1R 衛星資料在東亞沙塵暴監測及氣膠光學厚度反演之探討
KE Chang
National Central University, 2010
The Relationship between Pm2. 5 and Aerosol Optical Depth: Embedded Information of Aerosol Type, Hygroscopicity and Scattering Enhancement Factor
KE Chang, TC Hsiao, SC Tsay, TH Lin, SM Griffith, CY Liu, C Chou
Hygroscopicity and Scattering Enhancement Factor, 0
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