Differential urbanisation trends in South Africa—regional and local equivalents HS Geyer Jr, HS Geyer, DJ du Plessis, A Van Eeden Environment and Planning A 44 (12), 2940-2956, 2012 | 49 | 2012 |
Disaggregated population migration trends in South Africa between 1996 and 2011: A differential urbanisation approach HS Geyer, HS Geyer Urban Forum 26, 1-13, 2015 | 40 | 2015 |
Corridor development in Gauteng, South Africa A Brand, HS Geyer, HS Geyer GeoJournal 82, 311-327, 2017 | 30 | 2017 |
Hypersegregation and class-based segregation processes in Cape Town 2001–2011 HS Geyer, F Mohammed Urban Forum 27, 35-58, 2016 | 28 | 2016 |
Public capital investment, economic growth and poverty reduction in South African Municipalities W Ruch, HS Geyer Jr Regional Science Policy & Practice 9 (4), 269-285, 2017 | 26 | 2017 |
Land quality, urban development and urban agriculture within the Cape Town urban edge H Geyer, B Schloms, D Du Plessis, A Van Eeden Town and Regional Planning 59, 41-52, 2011 | 26 | 2011 |
Social diversity and modal choice strategies in mixed land-use development in South Africa H Geyer, L Quin South African Geographical Journal= Suid-Afrikaanse Geografiese Tydskrif 101 …, 2019 | 25 | 2019 |
Measuring the spatial economic impact of the Maputo Development Corridor W Dzumbira, HS Geyer Jr, HS Geyer Development Southern Africa 34 (5), 635-651, 2017 | 24 | 2017 |
Conflicts and synergies between customary land use management and urban planning in informal settlements HS Geyer Jr Land Use Policy 125, 106459, 2023 | 17 | 2023 |
The regulatory governance of retail electricity tariff setting in South Africa PJ Kelly, HS Geyer Regional Science Policy & Practice 10 (3), 203-221, 2018 | 16 | 2018 |
Polarisation reversal in South Africa: how widespread is the trend? HS Geyer Jr, HS Geyer South African Geographical Journal= Suid-Afrikaanse Geografiese Tydskrif 98 …, 2016 | 16 | 2016 |
Residential transformation in South Africa—Reopening the ‘dead’capital debate HS Geyer, HS Geyer Jr Urban Forum 25 (1), 35-55, 2014 | 14 | 2014 |
Migration, geographies of marginality and informality—impacts on upper and lower ends of urban systems in the North and South HS Geyer, HS Geyer Jr, DJ Du Plessis European Planning Studies 21 (3), 411-431, 2013 | 14 | 2013 |
Demographic transitions in South African cities: An analysis of household structures in the City of Tshwane DJ Roux, HS Geyer Regional Science Policy & Practice 9 (3), 165-182, 2017 | 13 | 2017 |
The South African functional metropolis-A synthesis H Geyer, P Geyer, M Geyer Stads-en Streeksbeplanning= Town and Regional Planning 2015 (67), 13-26, 2015 | 12 | 2015 |
Do social grants contribute to the jobless population growth in the former South African homelands? G Geyer, H., Ngidi, M., & Mans Town and regional planning 72 (1), 58-69, 2018 | 11 | 2018 |
Can informality help create smart, sustainable cities? The vibrancy of self-organised informal settlements in Cape Town HS Geyer GeoJournal 88 (3), 2471-2489, 2023 | 10 | 2023 |
Global value chain participation and trade barriers in Sub-Saharan Africa HS Geyer Value Chains in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges of Integration into the …, 2019 | 10 | 2019 |
Job-employed resident imbalance and travel time in Gauteng: exploring the determinants of longer travel time HS Geyer, RSA Molayi Urban Forum 29, 33-50, 2018 | 10 | 2018 |
The theory and praxis of mixed-use development-An integrative literature review HS Geyer Jr Cities 147, 104774, 2024 | 9 | 2024 |