Maciej Szewczyk
Dedicated surveillance mechanism controls G-quadruplex forming non-coding RNAs in human mitochondria
Z Pietras, MA Wojcik, LS Borowski, M Szewczyk, TM Kulinski, D Cysewski, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 2558, 2018
Decades of population genetic research reveal the need for harmonization of molecular markers: the grey wolf Canis lupus as a case study
GA De Groot, C Nowak, T Skrbinšek, LW Andersen, J Aspi, L Fumagalli, ...
Mammal Review 46 (1), 44-59, 2016
Dynamic range expansion leads to establishment of a new, genetically distinct wolf population in Central Europe
M Szewczyk, S Nowak, N Niedźwiecka, P Hulva, R Špinkytė-Bačkaitienė, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 19003, 2019
Wolves at the crossroad: Fission–fusion range biogeography in the Western Carpathians and Central Europe
P Hulva, B Černá Bolfíková, V Woznicová, M Jindřichová, M Benešová, ...
Diversity and Distributions 24 (2), 179-192, 2018
Sedentary but not dispersing wolves Canis lupus recolonizing western Poland (2001–2016) conform to the predictions of a habitat suitability model
S Nowak, RW Mysłajek, M Szewczyk, P Tomczak, T Borowik, ...
Diversity and Distributions 23 (11), 1353-1364, 2017
Upconversion fluorescence imaging of HeLa cells using ROS generating SiO 2-coated lanthanide-doped NaYF 4 nanoconstructs
P Kowalik, D Elbaum, J Mikulski, K Fronc, I Kamińska, PC Morais, ...
Rsc Advances 7 (48), 30262-30273, 2017
Yeast and human mitochondrial helicases
RJ Szczesny, MA Wojcik, LS Borowski, MJ Szewczyk, MM Skrok, P Golik, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Gene Regulatory Mechanisms 1829 (8), 842-853, 2013
Upconverting/magnetic: Gd 2 O 3:(Er 3+, Yb 3+, Zn 2+) nanoparticles for biological applications: effect of Zn 2+ doping
I Kamińska, K Fronc, B Sikora, M Mouawad, A Siemiarczuk, M Szewczyk, ...
RSC Advances 5 (95), 78361-78373, 2015
Spatial organization in wolves Canis lupus recolonizing north-west Poland: Large territories at low population density
RW Mysłajek, M Tracz, M Tracz, P Tomczak, M Szewczyk, N Niedźwiecka, ...
Mammalian Biology 92, 37-44, 2018
Deficiencies in Natura 2000 for protecting recovering large carnivores: A spotlight on the wolf Canis lupus in Poland
TA Diserens, T Borowik, S Nowak, M Szewczyk, N Niedźwiecka, ...
PLoS One 12 (9), e0184144, 2017
Human REXO2 controls short mitochondrial RNAs generated by mtRNA processing and decay machinery to prevent accumulation of double-stranded RNA
M Szewczyk, D Malik, LS Borowski, SD Czarnomska, AV Kotrys, ...
Nucleic acids research 48 (10), 5572-5590, 2020
Controlling the mitochondrial antisense–role of the SUV3-PNPase complex and its co-factor GRSF1 in mitochondrial RNA surveillance
Z Pietras, MA Wojcik, LS Borowski, M Szewczyk, TM Kulinski, D Cysewski, ...
Molecular & cellular oncology 5 (6), e1516452, 2018
Mammalian cell defence mechanisms against the cytotoxicity of NaYF 4:(Er, Yb, Gd) nanoparticles
B Sikora, P Kowalik, J Mikulski, K Fronc, I Kamińska, M Szewczyk, ...
Nanoscale 9 (37), 14259-14271, 2017
Single-step synthesis of Er3+ and Yb3+ ions doped molybdate/Gd2O3 core–shell nanoparticles for biomedical imaging
I Kamińska, D Elbaum, B Sikora, P Kowalik, J Mikulski, Z Felcyn, P Samol, ...
Nanotechnology 29 (2), 025702, 2017
Social and environmental factors influencing contemporary cases of wolf aggression towards people in Poland
S Nowak, M Szewczyk, P Tomczak, I Całus, M Figura, RW Mysłajek
European Journal of Wildlife Research 67, 1-12, 2021
Genetic support for the current discrete conservation unit of the Central European wolf population
M Szewczyk, C Nowak, P Hulva, J Mergeay, AV Stronen, BČ Bolfíková, ...
Wildlife Biology 2021 (2), 1-7, 2021
Wolves recolonize novel ecosystems leading to novel interactions
DPJ Kuijper, TA Diserens, E Say‐Sallaz, K Kasper, PA Szafrańska, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology, 2024
Evaluation of the Presence of ASFV in Wolf Feces Collected from Areas in Poland with ASFV Persistence
M Szewczyk, K Łepek, S Nowak, M Witek, A Bajcarczyk, K Kurek, ...
Viruses 13 (10), 2062, 2021
Biochemical properties of the HtrA homolog from bacterium Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
U Zarzecka, A Modrak-Wojcik, M Bayassi, M Szewczyk, A Gieldon, ...
International journal of biological macromolecules 109, 992-1005, 2018
Scent marking in wolves Canis lupus inhabiting managed lowland forests in Poland
KM Stępniak, N Niedźwiecka, M Szewczyk, RW Mysłajek
Mammal Research 65 (4), 629-638, 2020
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