Michael Leuschel
ProB: A model checker for B
M Leuschel, M Butler
International symposium of formal methods europe, 855-874, 2003
ProB: an automated analysis toolset for the B method
M Leuschel, M Butler
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 10, 185-203, 2008
Combining CSP and B for specification and property verification
M Butler, M Leuschel
FM 2005: Formal Methods: International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe …, 2005
Infinite state model checking by abstract interpretation and program specialisation
M Leuschel, T Massart
International Workshop on Logic Programming Synthesis and Transformation, 62-81, 1999
Conjunctive partial deduction: Foundations, control, algorithms, and experiments
D De Schreye, R Glück, J Jørgensen, M Leuschel, B Martens, ...
The Journal of Logic Programming 41 (2-3), 231-277, 1999
Controlling generalization and polyvariance in partial deduction of normal logic programs
M Leuschel, B Martens, D De Schreye
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 20 (1), 208-258, 1998
Logic program specialisation through partial deduction: Control issues
M Leuschel, M Bruynooghe
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 2 (4-5), 461-515, 2002
On the power of homeomorphic embedding for online termination
M Leuschel
International Static Analysis Symposium, 230-245, 1998
Validating Z Specifications Using the ProB Animator and Model Checker
D Plagge, M Leuschel
International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods, 480-500, 2007
A conceptual embedding of folding into partial deduction: Towards a maximal integration
M Leuschel, D De Schreye, DA de Waal
the Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming …, 1996
Redundant argument filtering of logic programs
M Leuschel, MH Sørensen
International Workshop on Logic Programming Synthesis and Transformation, 83-103, 1996
Homeomorphic embedding for online termination of symbolic methods
M Leuschel
The essence of computation: complexity, analysis, transformation, 379-403, 2002
Global control for partial deduction through characteristic atoms and global trees
M Leuschel, B Martens
Partial Evaluation: International Seminar Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, February …, 1996
How to make FDR spin LTL model checking of CSP by refinement
M Leuschel, A Currie, T Massart
FME 2001: Formal Methods for Increasing Software Productivity: International …, 2001
Visualising event-B models with B-motion studio
L Ladenberger, J Bendisposto, M Leuschel
International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems …, 2009
Allocation removal by partial evaluation in a tracing JIT
CF Bolz, A Cuni, M FijaBkowski, M Leuschel, S Pedroni, A Rigo
Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Partial evaluation and …, 2011
Automated property verification for large scale B models with ProB
M Leuschel, J Falampin, F Fritz, D Plagge
Formal Aspects of Computing 23, 683-709, 2011
Seven at one stroke: LTL model checking for high-level specifications in B, Z, CSP, and more
D Plagge, M Leuschel
International journal on software tools for technology transfer 12 (1), 9-21, 2010
ProTest: An automatic test environment for B specifications
M Satpathy, M Leuschel, M Butler
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 111, 113-136, 2005
Probing the Depths of CSP-M: A New fdr-Compliant Validation Tool
M Leuschel, M Fontaine
Formal Methods and Software Engineering: 10th International Conference on …, 2008
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