Nicolas Florsch
Nicolas Florsch
Потвърден имейл адрес: sorbonne-universite.fr
Determination of permeability from spectral induced polarization in granular media
A Revil, N Florsch
Geophysical Journal International 181 (3), 1480-1498, 2010
Complete synthetic seismograms for high-frequency multimodeSH-waves
N Florsch, D Fäh, P Suhadolc, GF Panza
Pure and Applied Geophysics 136, 529-560, 1991
Complex conductivity of soils
A Revil, A Coperey, Z Shao, N Florsch, IL Fabricius, Y Deng, JR Delsman, ...
Water Resources Research 53 (8), 7121-7147, 2017
Induced polarization response of porous media with metallic particles—Part 1: A theory for disseminated semiconductors
A Revil, N Florsch, D Mao
Geophysics 80 (5), D525-D538, 2015
Spectral induced polarization porosimetry
A Revil, N Florsch, C Camerlynck
Geophysical Journal International 198 (2), 1016-1033, 2014
Bayesian inference of the Cole–Cole parameters from time‐and frequency‐domain induced polarization
A Ghorbani, C Camerlynck, N Florsch, P Cosenza, A Revil
Geophysical prospecting 55 (4), 589-605, 2007
On the calibration of a superconducting gravimeter using absolute gravity measurements
J Hinderer, N Florsch, J Mäkinen, H Legros, JE Faller
Geophysical Journal International 106 (2), 491-497, 1991
Induced polarization response of porous media with metallic particles—Part 2: Comparison with a broad database of experimental data
A Revil, GZ Abdel Aal, EA Atekwana, D Mao, N Florsch
Geophysics 80 (5), D539-D552, 2015
Spectral induced polarization of clay-sand mixtures: Experiments and modeling
G Okay, P Leroy, A Ghorbani, P Cosenza, C Camerlynck, J Cabrera, ...
Geophysics 79 (6), E353-E375, 2014
Local hydrology, the Global Geodynamics Project and CHAMP/GRACE perspective: some case studies
M Llubes, N Florsch, J Hinderer, L Longuevergne, M Amalvict
Journal of Geodynamics 38 (3-5), 355-374, 2004
A comparison of tidal ocean loading models using superconducting gravimeter data
JP Boy, M Llubes, J Hinderer, N Florsch
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108 (B4), 2003
Non-invasive monitoring of water content and textural changes in clay-rocks using spectral induced polarization: A laboratory investigation
A Ghorbani, P Cosenza, A Revil, M Zamora, M Schmutz, N Florsch, ...
Applied Clay Science 43 (3-4), 493-502, 2009
Effects of drying on the low-frequency electrical properties of Tournemire argillites
P Cosenza, A Ghorbani, N Florsch, A Revil
Pure and Applied Geophysics 164, 2043-2066, 2007
The indirect impact of encroaching trees on gully extension: A 64 year study in a sub-humid grassland of South Africa
S Grellier, J Kemp, JL Janeau, N Florsch, D Ward, S Barot, ...
Catena 98, 110-119, 2012
Local and global hydrological contributions to gravity variations observed in Strasbourg
L Longuevergne, JP Boy, N Florsch, D Viville, G Ferhat, P Ulrich, B Luck, ...
Journal of Geodynamics 48 (3-5), 189-194, 2009
Quantification of slag heap volumes and masses through the use of induced polarization: application to the Castel-Minier site
N Florsch, M Llubes, F Téreygeol, A Ghorbani, P Roblet
Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (2), 438-451, 2011
GPS measurements of ocean loading and its impact on zenith tropospheric delay estimates: a case study in Brittany, France
S Vey, E Calais, M Llubes, N Florsch, G Woppelmann, J Hinderer, ...
Journal of Geodesy 76, 419-427, 2002
Bayesian estimation of the free core nutation parameters from the analysis of precise tidal gravity data
N Florsch, J Hinderer
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 117 (1-4), 21-35, 2000
Modelling atmospheric and induced non-tidal oceanic loading contributions to surface gravity and tilt measurements
JP Boy, L Longuevergne, F Boudin, T Jacob, F Lyard, M Llubes, N Florsch, ...
Journal of Geodynamics 48 (3-5), 182-188, 2009
Tilt and strain deformation induced by hydrologically active natural fractures: application to the tiltmeters installed in Sainte-Croix-aux-Mines observatory (France)
L Longuevergne, N Florsch, F Boudin, L Oudin, C Camerlynck
Geophysical Journal International 178 (2), 667-677, 2009
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