Marcelo Araya-Salas
Marcelo Araya-Salas
Research Associate, Nerobiology Research Center, University of Costa Rica
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warbleR: an r package to streamline analysis of animal acoustic signals
M Araya‐Salas, G Smith‐Vidaurre
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (2), 184-191, 2017
Open-ended song learning in a hummingbird
M Araya-Salas, T Wright
Biology letters 9 (5), 20130625, 2013
Bills as daggers? A test for sexually dimorphic weapons in a lekking hummingbird
A Rico-Guevara, M Araya-Salas
Behavioral Ecology 26 (1), 21-29, 2015
Comparative bioacoustics: a roadmap for quantifying and comparing animal sounds across diverse taxa
KJ Odom, M Araya‐Salas, JL Morano, RA Ligon, GM Leighton, CC Taff, ...
Biological Reviews 96 (4), 1135-1159, 2021
Seabird parents provision their chick in a coordinated manner
K Wojczulanis-Jakubas, M Araya-Salas, D Jakubas
PLoS One 13 (1), e0189969, 2018
Assessing the effect of sound file compression and background noise on measures of acoustic signal structure
M Araya-Salas, G Smith-Vidaurre, M Webster
Bioacoustics 28 (1), 57-73, 2017
Is birdsong music? Evaluating harmonic intervals in songs of a Neotropical songbird
M Araya-Salas
Animal Behaviour 84 (2), 309-313, 2012
A machine learning approach for classifying and quantifying acoustic diversity
SC Keen, KJ Odom, MS Webster, GM Kohn, TF Wright, M Araya‐Salas
Methods in ecology and evolution 12 (7), 1213-1225, 2021
Individual signatures outweigh social group identity in contact calls of a communally nesting parrot
G Smith-Vidaurre, M Araya-Salas, TF Wright
Behavioral Ecology 31 (2), 448-458, 2020
To overlap or not to overlap: context-dependent coordinated singing in lekking long-billed hermits
M Araya-Salas, K Wojczulanis-Jakubas, EM Phillips, DJ Mennill, ...
Animal Behaviour 124, 57-64, 2017
How acoustic signals scale with individual body size: common trends across diverse taxa
RL Rodriguez, M Araya-Salas, DA Gray, MS Reichert, LB Symes, ...
Behavioral Ecology 26 (1), 168-177, 2015
Early development of vocal interaction rules in a duetting songbird
KD Rivera-Cáceres, E Quirós-Guerrero, M Araya-Salas, CN Templeton, ...
Royal Society Open Science 5 (2), 171791, 2018
Neotropical wrens learn new duet rules as adults
KD Rivera-Cáceres, E Quirós-Guerrero, M Araya-Salas, WA Searcy
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1843), 20161819, 2016
Spatial memory is as important as weapon and body size for territorial ownership in a lekking hummingbird
M Araya-Salas, P Gonzalez-Gomez, K Wojczulanis-Jakubas, V López III, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 2001, 2018
Does vocal learning accelerate acoustic diversification? Evolution of contact calls in Neotropical parrots
A Medina‐García, M Araya‐Salas, TF Wright
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28 (10), 1782-1792, 2015
Social group signatures in hummingbird displays provide evidence of co-occurrence of vocal and visual learning
M Araya-Salas, G Smith-Vidaurre, DJ Mennill, PL González-Gómez, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1903), 20190666, 2019
Parental coordination of chick provisioning in a planktivorous arctic seabird under divergent conditions on foraging grounds
A Grissot, M Araya-Salas, D Jakubas, D Kidawa, R Boehnke, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 349, 2019
Rraven: connecting R and Raven bioacoustic software
M Araya-Salas
R package version 1 (9), 2020
warbleR: an R package to streamline analysis of animal acoustic signals. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 184–191
M Araya-Salas, G Smith-Vidaurre
warbleR: an R package to streamline analysis of animal acoustic signals. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8 (2), 184–191
M Araya-Salas, G Smith-Vidaurre
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