Dr. Abdulaziz Fageeh
Dr. Abdulaziz Fageeh
Потвърден имейл адрес: kku.edu.sa - Начална страница
EFL learners’ use of blogging for developing writing skills and enhancing attitudes towards English learning: An exploratory study
AI Fageeh
Journal of Language and Literature 2 (1), 31-48, 2011
Effects of MALL applications on vocabulary acquisition and motivation.
AAI Fageeh
Arab World English Journal 4 (4), 2013
EFL students’ readiness for e-learning: Factors influencing e-learners’ acceptance of the Blackboard in a Saudi university
AI Fageeh
The Jalt Call Journal 7 (1), 19-42, 2011
At Crossroads of EFL Learning and Culture: How to Enhance Cross-cultural Awareness in EFL College
A aziz Fageeh
Cross-Cultural Communication 7 (1), 62-72, 2011
Saudi college students' beliefs regarding their English writing difficulties
AI Fageeh
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2003
EFL student and faculty perceptions of and attitudes towards online testing in the medium of Blackboard: Promises and challenges.
AI Fageeh
JALT CALL Journal 11 (1), 41-62, 2015
Effects of using the online dictionary for etymological analysis on vocabulary development in EFL college students
AI Fageeh
Theory and Practice in Language Studies 4 (5), 883, 2014
The Use of Journal Writing and Reading Comprehension Texts during Pre-Writing in Developing EFL Students' Academic Writing
AI Fageeh
Studies in Literature and Language 9 (3), 1, 2014
EFL Learners' Vocabulary Acquisition in Translational Writing.
AI Fageeh, MAA Mekheimer
Journal of Language Teaching & Research 2 (4), 2011
Effects of BlackBoard on EFL academic writing and attitudes. JALT CALL Journal, 9 (2), 169-196
A Fageeh, M Mekheimer
EFL student and faculty perceptions of and attitudes towards online testing in the medium of Blackboard: Promises and challenges. The JALT CALL Journal, 11 (1), 41–62
AI Fageeh
Effects of using wikis for developing Saudi EFL students' reading and writing skills
AA Al Fageeh
Umm Al-Qura University Journal of Languages and Literatures 409 (3731), 1-17, 2014
EFL college programmes In Egypt and Saudi Arabia: Advantages and difficulties in intercultural instruction
MA Mekheimer, A Fageeh
Journal of Intercultural Communication 24 (2), 128-143, 2024
Maximizing learning management systems in online college English education: Views from France and Saudi Arabia
A Fageeh
Social Sciences & Humanities Open 9, 2024
Effects of using computerized concept mapping on developing reading comprehension in an advanced college reading course
AI Fageeh
Concept Mapping: Renewing Learning and Thinking Proc. of the Eighth Int …, 2018
Effects of cooperative e-learning strategies on EFL students' Literacy skills
AI Fageeh
King Khalid University Journal for Humanities 23 (1), 49-74, 2014
Prioritizing information over grammar: a behavioral investigation of information density and rhetorical discourse effects on EFL listening comprehension
MA Mekheimer, AI Fageeh
Discover Education 4 (1), 24, 2025
The Rise of Chatbots in Higher Education: Exploring User Profiles, Motivations, and Integration Strategies
A Fageeh
Motivations, and Integration Strategies, 0
An Evaluative study of a Saudi EFL textbook: The case of Mega Goal series
HSA Alemari, AA Fageeh
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