Fernanda Queirós Campbell
Fernanda Queirós Campbell
Други именаFernanda Campbell, Fernanda Costa de Queirós, Fernanda Queirós
Assistant Director of Research, Boston Opportunity Agenda
Потвърден имейл адрес: bostonopportunityagenda.org
Electroencephalographic patterns in chronic pain: a systematic review of the literature
ESDS Pinheiro, FC Queirós, P Montoya, CL Santos, MA Nascimento, ...
PloS one 11 (2), e0149085, 2016
Prevalence of behavior problems and associated factors in preschool children from the city of Salvador, state of Bahia, Brazil
LM Santos, FC Queirós, ML Barreto, DN Santos
Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry 38, 46-52, 2015
Fatores etiológicos da deficiência auditiva em crianças e adolescentes de um centro de referência APADA em Salvador-BA
LPA Silva, F Queiros, I Lima
Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia 72, 33-36, 2006
Oral cleft prevention program (OCPP)
GL Wehby, N Goco, D Moretti-Ferreira, T Felix, A Richieri-Costa, ...
BMC pediatrics 12, 1-33, 2012
Developmental disabilities and socioeconomic outcomes in young adulthood
FC Queirós, GL Wehby, CT Halpern
Public Health Reports 130 (3), 213-221, 2015
Impact of transcranial direct current stimulation on reading skills of children and adolescents with dyslexia
DM Rios, M Correia Rios, ID Bandeira, F Queiros Campbell, ...
Child neurology open 5, 2329048X18798255, 2018
Patients with rheumatoid arthritis and chronic pain display enhanced alpha power density at rest
FM Meneses, FC Queirós, P Montoya, JGV Miranda, SM Dubois-Mendes, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 10, 395, 2016
Prevalence of newborn bacterial meningitis and sepsis during the pregnancy period for public health care system participants in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
LPA Silva, LG Cavalheiro, F Queirós, CV Nova, R Lucena
Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases 11, 272-276, 2007
Periconceptional use of folic acid and risk of miscarriage–findings of the Oral Cleft Prevention Program in Brazil
C Vila-Nova, GL Wehby, FC Queirós, H Chakraborty, TM Félix, N Goco, ...
Journal of perinatal medicine 41 (4), 461-466, 2013
Etiology of hearing impairment in children and adolescents of a reference center APADA in the city of Salvador, state of Bahia
LPA Silva, F Queiros, I Lima
Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia 72, 33-36, 2006
Prognóstico audiológico tardio relacionado à meningite em lactentes
LP Anjos, F Queirós, MC Pereira, M Brandão, A Melo, R Lucena
Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria 62, 635-640, 2004
Does meditation lead to a stable mind? Synchronous stability and time-varying graphs in meditators
TG Toutain, AF Baptista, HF Japyassu, RS Rosario, JA Porto, ...
Journal of Complex Networks 8 (6), cnaa049, 2020
Effect of anodal tDCS on articulatory accuracy, word production, and syllable repetition in subjects with aphasia: a crossover, double-blinded, sham-controlled trial
C Vila-Nova, PH Lucena, R Lucena, G Armani-Franceschi, FQ Campbell
Neurology and Therapy 8, 411-424, 2019
Intra-hospital lethality among infants with pyogenic meningitis
R Lucena, N Fonseca, L Nunes, A Cardoso, J Goes, MC Correia, ...
Pediatric neurology 32 (3), 180-183, 2005
Standards of care for patients with orofacial clefts in Brazil: Starting a necessary debate
FC Queirós, GL Wehby, C Vila-Nova, LPA Silva
J Cranio Max Dis 2 (2), 122-129, 2013
Pain, psychoaffective symptoms, and quality of life in human T cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1): a cross-sectional study
DN Dos Santos, KN Sá, FC Queirós, AB Paixão, KOB Santos, ...
Journal of NeuroVirology, 1-11, 2021
State of Early Education and Care in Boston: Supply, Demand, Affordability and Quality. 2019 Annual Report.
FQ Campbell, PA Patil
Boston Foundation, 2019
Does transcranial direct current stimulation combined with peripheral electrical stimulation have an additive effect in the control of hip joint osteonecrosis pain associated …
TS Lopes, WS Silva, SB Ribeiro, CA Figueiredo, FQ Campbell, GC Daltro, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11, 633, 2017
Achados audiológicos em indivíduos com distrofia miotônica de Steinert
LL Lins, CMCA Padovani, R Lucena, LS Argolo, LC Fernandes, ...
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia 13, 344-351, 2008
Worster-Drought syndrome: case report and distinction in relation to Foix-Chavany-Marie syndrome
F Queirós, G Duarte, C Correia, JG Sérgio, C Vila-Nova, R Lucena
Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria 62, 906-910, 2004
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