Hue NV
Hue NV
Professor of Environmental Soil Chemistry, University of Hawaii
Потвърден имейл адрес: hawaii.edu
Effect of organic acids on aluminum toxicity in subsoils
NV Hue, GR Craddock, F Adams
Soil Science Society of America Journal 50 (1), 28-34, 1986
Correcting soil acidity of a highly weathered Ultisol with chicken manure and sewage sludge
NV Hue
Communications in soil science and plant analysis 23 (3-4), 241-264, 1992
Predicting compost stability
NV Hue, J Liu
Compost science & utilization 3 (2), 8-15, 1995
Effects of organic acids/anions on P sorption and phytoavailability in soils with different mineralogies
NV Hue
Soil Science 152 (6), 463, 1991
Vermicompost extracts influence growth, mineral nutrients, phytonutrients and antioxidant activity in pak choi (Brassica rapa cv. Bonsai, Chinensis group) grown …
AP Pant, TJK Radovich, NV Hue, ST Talcott, KA Krenek
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 89 (14), 2383-2392, 2009
Changes in phosphorus fractions in soils under intensive plant growth
F Guo, RS Yost, NV Hue, CI Evensen, JA Silva
Soil Science Society of America Journal 64 (5), 1681-1689, 2000
A comparison of column‐displacement and centrifuge methods for obtaining soil solutions
F Adams, C Burmester, NV Hue, FL Long
Soil Science Society of America Journal 44 (4), 733-735, 1980
Aluminum detoxification with green manures
NV Hue, I Amien
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 20 (15-16), 1499-1511, 1989
Biochemical properties of compost tea associated with compost quality and effects on pak choi growth
AP Pant, TJK Radovich, NV Hue, RE Paull
Scientia horticulturae 148, 138-146, 2012
Interactions of soil organic matter and variable-charge clays
JM Oades, GP Gillman, G Uehara, NV Hue, M Van Noordwijk, ...
Dynamics of soil organic matter in tropical ecosystems 3, 69-96, 1989
Procedures used for soil and plant analysis by the Auburn University Soil Testing Laboratory
NV Hue, CE Evans
Auburn Univ., Auburn, AL, 1986
Sewage sludge
NV Hue
Soil amendments and environmental quality. Boca Raton, Lewis Publishers, 199-247, 1995
Effects of vermicompost tea (aqueous extract) on pak choi yield, quality, and on soil biological properties
A Pant, TJK Radovich, NV Hue, NQ Arancon
Compost Science & Utilization 19 (4), 279-292, 2011
Manganese toxicity in a Hawaiian Oxisol affected by soil pH and organic amendments
NV Hue, S Vega, JA Silva
Soil Science Society of America Journal 65 (1), 153-160, 2001
Seed germination and seedling growth of tomato and lettuce as affected by vermicompost water extracts (teas)
NQ Arancon, A Pant, T Radovich, NV Hue, JK Potter, CE Converse
HortScience 47 (12), 1722-1728, 2012
Organic soil amendments for sustainable agriculture: organic sources of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium
NV Hue, JA Silva
Plant nutrient management in Hawaii's soils, Approaches for tropical and …, 2000
Amelioration of subsoil acidity through surface application of organic manures
NV Hue, DL Licudine
Journal of environmental quality 28 (2), 623-632, 1999
Composting and compost utilization for agronomic and container crops
S Kuo, ME Ortiz-Escobar, NV Hue, RL Hummel, SG Pandalai
Recent Res. Dev. Environ. Biol 1 (2), 451-513, 2004
Temporal changes of selected chemical properties in three manure–Amended soils of Hawaii
MEO Escobar, NV Hue
Bioresource technology 99 (18), 8649-8654, 2008
Increasing plant‐available phosphorus in an Ultisol with a yard‐waste compost
NV Hue, H Ikawa, JA Silva
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 25 (19-20), 3291-3303, 1994
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