Jessica F. Shumway
Jessica F. Shumway
Потвърден имейл адрес: usu.edu
How design features in digital math games support learning and mathematics connections
PS Moyer-Packenham, CW Lommatsch, K Litster, J Ashby, EK Bullock, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 91, 316-332, 2019
Young children’s learning performance and efficiency when using virtual manipulative mathematics iPad apps
PS Moyer-PackenhaM, JF Shumway, E Bullock, SI Tucker, ...
Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 34 (1), 41-69, 2015
Number sense routines: Building numerical literacy every day in grades K-3
J Shumway
Routledge, 2023
An emerging technology report on computational toys in early childhood
M Hamilton, J Clarke-Midura, JF Shumway, VR Lee
Technology, Knowledge and Learning 25 (1), 213-224, 2020
The role of affordances in children’s learning performance and efficiency when using virtual manipulative mathematics touch-screen apps
PS Moyer-Packenham, EK Bullock, JF Shumway, SI Tucker, CM Watts, ...
Mathematics Education Research Journal 28, 79-105, 2016
Developing a kindergarten computational thinking assessment using evidence-centered design: the case of algorithmic thinking
J Clarke-Midura, D Silvis, JF Shumway, VR Lee, JS Kozlowski
Assessing Computational Thinking, 5-28, 2023
Kindergarten students’ mathematics knowledge at work: the mathematics for programming robot toys
JF Shumway, LE Welch, JS Kozlowski, J Clarke-Midura, VR Lee
Mathematical Thinking and Learning 25 (4), 380-408, 2023
The building blocks of coding: A comparison of early childhood coding toys
J Clarke-Midura, VR Lee, JF Shumway, MM Hamilton
Information and Learning Sciences 120 (7/8), 505-518, 2019
A study comparing virtual manipulatives with other instructional treatments in third-and fourth-grade classrooms
P Moyer-Packenham, J Baker, A Westenskow, K Anderson, J Shumway, ...
Journal of Education 193 (2), 25-39, 2013
Affordance access matters: Preschool children’s learning progressions while interacting with touch-screen mathematics apps
EP Bullock, JF Shumway, CM Watts, PS Moyer-Packenham
Technology, Knowledge and Learning 22, 485-511, 2017
An examination of children's learning progression shifts while using touch screen virtual manipulative mathematics apps
CM Watts, PS Moyer-Packenham, SI Tucker, EP Bullock, JF Shumway, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 64, 814-828, 2016
Experiencing active mathematics learning: Meeting the expectations for teaching and learning in mathematics classrooms
K Litster, B MacDonald, JF Shumway
The Mathematics Enthusiast 17 (2), 615-640, 2020
How young children engage in and shift between reference frames when playing with coding toys
J Clarke-Midura, JS Kozlowski, JF Shumway, VR Lee
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 28, 100250, 2021
Predictors of achievement when virtual manipulatives are used for mathematics instruction
PS Moyer-Packenham, J Baker, A Westenskow, KL Anderson, ...
Journal of Research in Mathematics Education 3 (2), 121-150, 2014
Children caring for robots: Expanding computational thinking frameworks to include a technological ethic of care
D Silvis, J Clarke-Midura, JF Shumway, VR Lee, S Mullen
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 33, 100491, 2022
Exploring measurement through coding: Children’s conceptions of a dynamic linear unit with robot coding toys
LE Welch, JF Shumway, J Clarke-Midura, VR Lee
Education Sciences 12 (2), 143, 2022
Relationships between visual static models and students’ written solutions to fraction tasks
KL Anderson-Pence, PS Moyer-Packenham, A Westenskow, J Shumway, ...
International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning 15, 1-18, 2014
Subitizing games: Assessing preschoolers' number understanding
BL MacDonald, JF Shumway
Teaching Children Mathematics 22 (6), 340-348, 2016
Zooming in on children's thinking: How a number line app revealed, concealed, and developed children's number understanding
SI Tucker, PS Moyer-Packenham, JF Shumway, KE Jordan
Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom 21 (1), 23-28, 2016
Building bridges to spatial reasoning
JF Shumway
Teaching Children Mathematics 20 (1), 44-51, 2013
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