Nikhil Gerard, PhD
Tailoring structure‐borne sound through bandgap engineering in phononic crystals and metamaterials: a comprehensive review
M Oudich, NJRK Gerard, Y Deng, Y Jing
Advanced Functional Materials 33 (2), 2206309, 2023
Magic-angle bilayer phononic graphene
Y Deng, M Oudich, NJRK Gerard, J Ji, M Lu, Y Jing
Physical Review B 102 (18), 180304, 2020
Systematic design and experimental demonstration of transmission‐type multiplexed acoustic metaholograms
Y Zhu, NJRK Gerard, X Xia, GC Stevenson, L Cao, S Fan, CM Spadaccini, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (27), 2101947, 2021
Photonic analog of bilayer graphene
M Oudich, G Su, Y Deng, W Benalcazar, R Huang, NJRK Gerard, M Lu, ...
Physical Review B 103 (21), 214311, 2021
Observation of higher-order exceptional points in a non-local acoustic metagrating
X Fang, NJRK Gerard, Z Zhou, H Ding, N Wang, B Jia, Y Deng, X Wang, ...
Communications Physics 4 (1), 271, 2021
Fabrication and experimental demonstration of a hybrid resonant acoustic gradient index metasurface at 40 kHz
NJRK Gerard, H Cui, C Shen, Y Xie, S Cummer, X Zheng, Y Jing
Applied Physics Letters 114 (23), 2019
Loss in acoustic metasurfaces: a blessing in disguise
NJRK Gerard, Y Jing
MRS Communications 10 (1), 32-41, 2020
Vat photopolymerization of fly-like, complex micro-architectures with dissolvable supports
Z Xu, R Hensleigh, NJRK Gerard, H Cui, M Oudich, W Chen, Y Jing, ...
Additive Manufacturing 47, 102321, 2021
Investigation of acoustic metasurfaces with constituent material properties considered
NJRK Gerard, Y Li, Y Jing
Journal of Applied Physics 123 (12), 2018
Three-dimensional trampolinelike behavior in an ultralight elastic metamaterial
NJRK Gerard, M Oudich, Z Xu, D Yao, H Cui, CJ Naify, A Ikei, CA Rohde, ...
Physical Review Applied 16 (2), 024015, 2021
On the elastodynamic properties of octet truss-based architected metamaterials
M Oudich, E Huang, H Heo, Z Xu, H Cui, NJRK Gerard, XR Zheng, Y Jing
Applied Physics Letters 122 (17), 2023
Omnidirectional elastic wave attenuation via an isotoxal-star-based auxetic micro-lattice
NJRK Gerard, M Oudich, Y Jing
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.08260, 2019
Bilayer photonic graphene
M Oudich, G Su, Y Deng, W Benalcazar, R Huang, NJRK Gerard, M Lu, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.03686, 2021
Chirality-selective transmission of acoustic orbital angular momentum through lossy metasurfaces
J Ji, J Li, NJRK Gerard, X Peng, S Cummer, Y Jing
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 153 (3_supplement), A120-A120, 2023
Loss in acoustic metasurfaces: a blessing in disguise (vol 10, pg 32, 2020)
NJRK Gerard, Y Jing
MRS COMMUNICATIONS 10 (4), 705-705, 2020
Micro-lattices for wide-band three-dimensional elastic wave attenuation
N Gerard, M Oudich, Y Jing
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 65, 2020
Architected micro-lattices for wide-band vibration attenuation
NJ Gerard, M Oudich, Y Jing
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 146 (4_Supplement), 2785-2785, 2019
Fabrication and measurement of a hybrid resonant gradient index metasurface at 40kHz
NJ Gerard, H Cui, C Shen, S Cummer, X Zheng, Y Jing
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 145 (3_Supplement), 1761-1761, 2019
Fabrication and experimental demonstration of a hybrid resonant acoustic
NJRK Gerard, H Cui, C Shen, Y Xie, S Cummer, X Zheng, Y Jing
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