Khalid Hazazi
Khalid Hazazi
Research Engineer @ EXPEC Advanced Research Center, Saudi Aramco
Потвърден имейл адрес: kaust.edu.sa
Ultra-selective carbon molecular sieve membranes for natural gas separations based on a carbon-rich intrinsically microporous polyimide precursor
K Hazazi, X Ma, Y Wang, W Ogieglo, A Alhazmi, Y Han, I Pinnau
Journal of Membrane Science 585, 1-9, 2019
Recent progress on polymers of intrinsic microporosity and thermally modified analogue materials for membrane‐based fluid separations
Y Wang, BS Ghanem, Z Ali, K Hazazi, Y Han, I Pinnau
Small Structures 2 (9), 2100049, 2021
Thin composite carbon molecular sieve membranes from a polymer of intrinsic microporosity precursor
W Ogieglo, A Furchner, X Ma, K Hazazi, AT Alhazmi, I Pinnau
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (20), 18770-18781, 2019
Catalytic arene-norbornene annulation (CANAL) ladder polymer derived carbon membranes with unparalleled hydrogen/carbon dioxide size-sieving capability
K Hazazi, Y Wang, NMS Bettahalli, X Ma, Y Xia, I Pinnau
Journal of Membrane Science 654, 120548, 2022
Precise molecular sieving of ethylene from ethane using triptycene-derived submicroporous carbon membranes
K Hazazi, Y Wang, B Ghanem, X Hu, T Puspasari, C Chen, Y Han, ...
Nature Materials 22 (10), 1218-1226, 2023
Carbon dioxide/methane mixed-gas adsorption, permeation and diffusion in a carbon molecular sieve film: Experimental observation and modeling
G Genduso, K Hazazi, Z Ali, BS Ghanem, A Alhazmi, I Pinnau
Journal of Membrane Science 644, 120114, 2022
Long-term pure-and mixed-gas performance of carbon molecular sieve membranes derived from a tetraphenylethylene-based ladder polymer of intrinsic microporosity (TPE-PIM) for …
F Elahi, Y Wang, K Hazazi, V Kumar, M Balcik, N Wehbe, F Xu, I Pinnau
Journal of Membrane Science 713, 123255, 2025
High-Performance Carbon Molecular Sieve Gas Separation Membranes Based on a Carbon-Rich Intrinsically Microporous Polyimide Precursor
K Hazazi
Membrane-based energy harvesting through salinity gradient of available upstream water resources
KY Hazazi, JK El-Demellawi
US Patent App. 18/740,281, 2024
Carbon molecular sieve membranes based on oxygen-free polymeric precursors
I Pinnau, K Hazazi, W Yingge, B Ghanem
US Patent App. 18/022,684, 2023
Intrinsically Microporous Ladder Polymer-based Carbon Molecular Sieve Membranes for Gas Separation Applications
K Hazazi
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