Lorenzo Masiero
Lorenzo Masiero
Потвърден имейл адрес: unibo.it
Selling rooms online: The use of social media and online travel agents
A Inversini, L Masiero
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 26 (2), 272-292, 2014
Fostering tourism destination competitiveness in developing countries: The role of sustainability
G Goffi, M Cucculelli, L Masiero
Journal of cleaner production 209, 101-115, 2019
Tourists intra-destination visits and transport mode: A bivariate probit model
L Masiero, J Zoltan
Annals of Tourism Research 43, 529-546, 2013
Determining guests’ willingness to pay for hotel room attributes with a discrete choice model
L Masiero, CY Heo, B Pan
International Journal of Hospitality Management 49, 117-124, 2015
The relevance of mobile tourism and information technology: an analysis of recent trends and future research directions
S Liang, M Schuckert, R Law, L Masiero
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 34 (6), 732-748, 2017
Tourism market segmentation based on price sensitivity: Finding similar price preferences on tourism activities
L Masiero, JL Nicolau
Journal of Travel Research 51 (4), 426-435, 2012
Analyzing loss aversion and diminishing sensitivity in a freight transport stated choice experiment
L Masiero, DA Hensher
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 44 (5), 349-358, 2010
A demand-driven analysis of tourist accommodation price: A quantile regression of room bookings
L Masiero, JL Nicolau, R Law
International Journal of Hospitality Management 50, 1-8, 2015
Understanding hotel location preference of customers: Comparing random utility and random regret decision rules
L Masiero, Y Yang, RTR Qiu
Tourism Management 73, 83-93, 2019
The relation between push motivation and activity consumption at the destination within the framework of a destination card
J Zoltan, L Masiero
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 1 (1-2), 84-93, 2012
Modeling reference experience in destination choice
L Masiero, RTR Qiu
Annals of Tourism Research 72, 58-74, 2018
The psychological process of travel destination choice
RTR Qiu, L Masiero, G Li
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 35 (6), 691-705, 2018
Price sensitivity to tourism activities: looking for determinant factors
L Masiero, JL Nicolau
Tourism Economics 18 (4), 675-689, 2012
Comparing reservation channels for hotel rooms: A behavioral perspective
L Masiero, R Law
Journal of travel & tourism marketing 33 (1), 1-13, 2016
Rethinking sustainability in the tour-operating industry: Worldwide survey of current attitudes and behaviors
G Goffi, L Masiero, T Pencarelli
Journal of cleaner production 183, 172-182, 2018
Chinese outbound tourist preferences for all-inclusive group package tours: A latent class choice model
N Chen, L Masiero, CHC Hsu
Journal of Travel Research 58 (6), 916-931, 2019
Asymmetric preference in hotel room choice and implications on revenue management
L Masiero, B Pan, CY Heo
International journal of hospitality management 56, 18-27, 2016
Do Birds of a Feather Flock Together? The Impact of Ethnic Segregation Preferences on Neighbourhood Choice
T Ibraimovic, L Masiero
Urban Studies, 0042098013493026, 2013
Strategic consumer behavior in online hotel booking
L Masiero, G Viglia, M Nieto-Garcia
Annals of Tourism Research 83, 102947, 2020
Regret minimisation and utility maximisation in a freight transport context
M Boeri, L Masiero
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 10 (6), 548-560, 2014
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