Jiuchang Wei
Jiuchang Wei
Professor of disaster and risk management, University of Science and Technology of China
Потвърден имейл адрес: ustc.edu.cn
An empirical study of consumers’ intention to use ride-sharing services: using an extended technology acceptance model
Y Wang, S Wang, J Wang, J Wei, C Wang
Transportation 47, 397-415, 2020
Government subsidy and corporate green innovation-Does board governance play a role?
L Xia, S Gao, J Wei, Q Ding
Energy Policy 161, 112720, 2022
Well known or well liked? The effects of corporate reputation on firm value at the onset of a corporate crisis
J Wei, Z Ouyang, H Chen
Strategic Management Journal 38 (10), 2103-2120, 2017
Determinants of compulsive buying behavior among young adults: The mediating role of materialism
T Islam, J Wei, Z Sheikh, Z Hameed, RI Azam
Journal of adolescence 61, 117-130, 2017
Anti-nuclear behavioral intentions: The role of perceived knowledge, information processing, and risk perception
W Zhu, J Wei, D Zhao
Energy Policy 88, 168-177, 2016
CEO characteristics and corporate philanthropic giving in an emerging market: The case of China
J Wei, Z Ouyang, HA Chen
Journal of Business Research 87, 1-11, 2018
Understanding and predicting the adoption of fitness mobile apps: evidence from China
J Wei, A Vinnikova, L Lu, J Xu
Health communication 36 (8), 950-961, 2021
Government support and firm innovation performance: Empirical analysis of 343 innovative enterprises in China
J Wei, Y Liu
Chinese Management Studies 9 (1), 38-55, 2015
Industrial SO2 pollution and agricultural losses in China: evidence from heavy air polluters
J Wei, X Guo, D Marinova, J Fan
Journal of Cleaner Production 64, 404-413, 2014
ICT adoption and usage in Africa: Towards an efficiency assessment
D Kayisire, J Wei
Information Technology for Development 22 (4), 630-653, 2016
Untangling the relationship between Corporate Environmental Performance and Corporate Financial Performance: The double-edged moderating effects of environmental uncertainty
Y Zhang, J Wei, Y Zhu, G George-Ufot
Journal of Cleaner Production 263, 121584, 2020
The relationship between psychological health and social support: Evidence from physicians in China
J Sun, R Sun, Y Jiang, X Chen, Z Li, Z Ma, J Wei, C He, L Zhang
Plos one 15 (1), e0228152, 2020
The use of smartphone fitness applications: the role of self-efficacy and self-regulation
A Vinnikova, L Lu, J Wei, G Fang, J Yan
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (20), 7639, 2020
Work safety evaluation in Mainland China using grey theory
J Wei, L Zhou, F Wang, D Wu
Applied mathematical modelling 39 (2), 924-933, 2015
Strategic stakeholder management, environmental corporate social responsibility engagement, and financial performance of stigmatized firms derived from Chinese special …
J Xu, J Wei, L Lu
Business Strategy and the Environment 28 (6), 1027-1044, 2019
An empirical study of the Volkswagen crisis in China: customers’ information processing and behavioral intentions
J Wei, M Zhao, F Wang, P Cheng, D Zhao
Risk analysis 36 (1), 114-129, 2016
Public reactions to the 2013 Chinese H7N9 Influenza outbreak: perceptions of risk, stakeholders, and protective actions
F Wang, J Wei, SK Huang, MK Lindell, Y Ge, HL Wei
Journal of Risk Research 21 (7), 809-833, 2018
Estimating the diffusion models of crisis information in micro blog
J Wei, B Bu, L Liang
Journal of Informetrics 6 (4), 600-610, 2012
Assessing the impacts of tourism events on city development in China: A perspective of event system
S Lu, W Zhu, J Wei
Current Issues in Tourism 23 (12), 1528-1541, 2020
Estimating the growth models of news stories on disasters
J Wei, D Zhao, L Liang
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 60 (9 …, 2009
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