Incorporating microclimate into species distribution models JJ Lembrechts, I Nijs, J Lenoir Ecography 42 (7), 1267-1279, 2019 | 330 | 2019 |
The design and analysis of biodiversity experiments B Schmid Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: synthesis and perspectives, 61-75, 2002 | 311 | 2002 |
Whole‐system responses of experimental plant communities to climate extremes imposed in different seasons HJ De Boeck, FE Dreesen, IA Janssens, I Nijs New Phytologist 189 (3), 806-817, 2011 | 293 | 2011 |
Stomatal regulation in a changing climate: a field study using Free Air Temperature Increase (FATI) and Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) I Nijs, R Ferris, H Blum, G Hendrey, I Impens Plant, Cell & Environment 20 (8), 1041-1050, 1997 | 253 | 1997 |
Effects of a warmer climate on seed germination in the subarctic A Milbau, BJ Graae, A Shevtsova, I Nijs Annals of Botany 104 (2), 287-296, 2009 | 232 | 2009 |
Global maps of soil temperature JJ Lembrechts, J van den Hoogen, J Aalto, MB Ashcroft, P De Frenne, ... Global change biology 28 (9), 3110-3144, 2022 | 220 | 2022 |
Summer heat and drought extremes trigger unexpected changes in productivity of a temperate annual/biannual plant community FE Dreesen, HJ De Boeck, IA Janssens, I Nijs Environmental and experimental botany 79, 21-30, 2012 | 210 | 2012 |
Climatic characteristics of heat waves and their simulation in plant experiments HJ De Boeck, FE Dreesen, IA Janssens, I Nijs Global Change Biology 16 (7), 1992-2000, 2010 | 210 | 2010 |
Physiological, biochemical, and genome‐wide transcriptional analysis reveals that elevated CO 2 mitigates the impact of combined heat wave and drought stress in Arabidopsis … G Zinta, H AbdElgawad, MA Domagalska, L Vergauwen, D Knapen, I Nijs, ... Global Change Biology 20 (12), 3670-3685, 2014 | 202 | 2014 |
On the use of weather data in ecological studies along altitudinal and latitudinal gradients BJ Graae, P De Frenne, A Kolb, J Brunet, O Chabrerie, K Verheyen, ... Oikos 121 (1), 3-19, 2012 | 197 | 2012 |
SoilTemp: A global database of near‐surface temperature JJ Lembrechts, J Aalto, MB Ashcroft, P De Frenne, M Kopecký, J Lenoir, ... Global change biology 26 (11), 6616-6629, 2020 | 175 | 2020 |
Biomass production in experimental grasslands of different species richness during three years of climate warming HJ De Boeck, C Lemmens, C Zavalloni, B Gielen, S Malchair, M Carnol, ... Biogeosciences 5 (2), 585-594, 2008 | 175 | 2008 |
Disturbance is the key to plant invasions in cold environments JJ Lembrechts, A Pauchard, J Lenoir, MA Nuñez, C Geron, A Ven, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (49), 14061-14066, 2016 | 171 | 2016 |
Performance of High Arctic tundra plants improved during but deteriorated after exposure to a simulated extreme temperature event FL Marchand, S Mertens, F Kockelbergh, L Beyens, I Nijs Global Change Biology 11 (12), 2078-2089, 2005 | 155 | 2005 |
How do climate warming and plant species richness affect water use in experimental grasslands? HJ De Boeck, CMHM Lemmens, H Bossuyt, S Malchair, M Carnol, ... Plant and Soil 288, 249-261, 2006 | 153 | 2006 |
Free air temperature increase (FATI): a new tool to study global warming effects on plants in the field I Nijs, F Kockelbergh, H Teughels, H Blum, G Hendrey, I Impens Plant, Cell & Environment 19 (4), 495-502, 1996 | 152 | 1996 |
Species richness and susceptibility to heat and drought extremes in synthesized grassland ecosystems: compositional vs physiological effects L Van Peer, I Nijs, D Reheul, B De Cauwer Functional Ecology, 769-778, 2004 | 148 | 2004 |
Comparing temperature data sources for use in species distribution models: From in‐situ logging to remote sensing JJ Lembrechts, J Lenoir, N Roth, T Hattab, A Milbau, S Haider, L Pellissier, ... Global Ecology and Biogeography 28 (11), 1578-1596, 2019 | 145 | 2019 |
Patterns and drivers of biodiversity–stability relationships under climate extremes HJ De Boeck, JMG Bloor, J Kreyling, JCG Ransijn, I Nijs, A Jentsch, ... Journal of Ecology 106 (3), 890-902, 2018 | 144 | 2018 |
Microenvironmental and vegetational heterogeneity induced by phytogenic nebkhas in an arid coastal ecosystem MI El-Bana, I Nijs, F Kockelbergh Plant and Soil 247, 283-293, 2002 | 143 | 2002 |