Jay Barlow
Jay Barlow
Southwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA (retired)
Потвърден имейл адрес: oregonstate.edu
US Pacific marine mammal stock assessments: 2021
JV Carretta, EM Oleson, KA Forney, MM Muto, DW Weller, AR Lang, ...
Understanding the impacts of anthropogenic sound on beaked whales
TM Cox, TJ Ragen, AJ Read, E Vos, RW Baird, K Balcomb, J Barlow, ...
J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 7 (3), 177-187, 2005
First human-caused extinction of a cetacean species?
ST Turvey, RL Pitman, BL Taylor, J Barlow, T Akamatsu, LA Barrett, ...
Biology letters 3 (5), 537-540, 2007
Techniques for cetacean–habitat modeling
JV Redfern, MC Ferguson, EA Becker, KD Hyrenbach, C Good, J Barlow, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 310, 271-295, 2006
Principles for the conservation of wild living resources
M Mangel, LM Talbot, GK Meffe, MT Agardy, DL Alverson, J Barlow, ...
Ecological applications 6 (2), 338-362, 1996
Lessons from monitoring trends in abundance of marine mammals
BL Taylor, M Martinez, T Gerrodette, J Barlow, YN Hrovat
Marine Mammal Science 23 (1), 157-175, 2007
Carbon export mediated by mesopelagic fishes in the northeast Pacific Ocean
PC Davison, DM Checkley Jr, JA Koslow, J Barlow
Progress in Oceanography 116, 14-30, 2013
Estimates of sperm whale abundance in the northeastern temperate Pacific from a combined acoustic and visual survey
J Barlow, BL Taylor
Marine Mammal Science 21 (3), 429-445, 2005
Abundance of blue and humpback whales in the eastern North Pacific estimated by capture‐recapture and line‐transect methods
J Calambokidis, J Barlow
Marine Mammal Science 20 (1), 63-85, 2004
Field experiments show that acoustic pingers reduce marine mammal bycatch in the California drift gill net fishery
J Barlow, GA Cameron
Marine mammal science 19 (2), 265-283, 2003
The abundance of cetaceans in California waters. Part I: Ship surveys in summer and fall of 1991
J Barlow
Oceanographic Literature Review 9 (42), 784, 1995
Abundance and population density of cetaceans in the California Current ecosystem.
J Barlow, KA Forney
Fishery Bulletin 105 (4), 509-527, 2007
Movements and population structure of humpback whales in the North Pacific
J Calambokidis, GH Steiger, JM Straley, LM Herman, S Cerchio, ...
Marine mammal science 17 (4), 769-794, 2001
Modeling age‐specific mortality for marine mammal populations
J Barlow, P Boveng
Marine Mammal Science 7 (1), 50-65, 1991
Acoustic identification of nine delphinid species in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean
JN Oswald, J Barlow, TF Norris
Marine mammal science 19 (1), 20-037, 2003
Gillnets and cetaceans
WF Perrin, GP Donovan, J Barlow, International Whaling Commission
Cambridge (United Kingdom) IWC, 1994
A new birth‐interval approach to estimating demographic parameters of humpback whales
J Barlow, PJ Clapham
Ecology 78 (2), 535-546, 1997
Strong maternal fidelity and natal philopatry shape genetic structure in North Pacific humpback whales
CS Baker, D Steel, J Calambokidis, E Falcone, U González-Peral, ...
Marine ecology progress series 494, 291-306, 2013
SPLASH: Structure of populations, levels of abundance and status of humpback whales in the North Pacific
J Calambokidis, EA Falcone, TJ Quinn, AM Burdin, PJ Clapham, JKB Ford, ...
Final report for Contract AB133F-03-RP-00078 57, 2008
Cetacean abundance in Hawaiian waters estimated from a summer/fall survey in 2002
J Barlow
Marine Mammal Science 22 (2), 446-464, 2006
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