Amna Ali
Amna Ali
Associate Professor,IQRA National University
Потвърден имейл адрес: inu.edu.pk
Examining whistleblowing intention: The influence of rationalization on wrongdoing and threat of retaliation
J Khan, I Saeed, M Zada, A Ali, N Contreras-Barraza, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (3), 1752, 2022
The positive side of overqualification: examining perceived overqualification linkage with knowledge sharing and career planning
J Khan, I Saeed, M Zada, HG Nisar, A Ali, S Zada
Journal of Knowledge Management 27 (4), 993-1015, 2023
Does workplace spirituality influence knowledge-sharing behavior and work engagement in work? Trust as a mediator
J Khan, M Usman, I Saeed, A Ali, H Nisar
Management Science Letters 12 (1), 51-66, 2022
The mediating role of emotional exhaustion in the relationship between abusive supervision and employee cyberloafing behaviour.
J Khan, I Saeed, A Ali, HG Nisar
Journal of Management and Research 8 (1), 160-178, 2021
Narrow band based and broadband derived vegetation indices using Sentinel-2 Imagery to estimate vegetation biomass
AB Imran, K Khan, N Ali, N Ahmad, A Ali, K Shah
Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management 6 (1), 97-108, 2020
Ethical leadership and organizational citizenship behavior: mediating role of organizational justice: a case study of education sector
A Ali, S Ahmad, I Saeed
Abasyn Journal of Social Sciences 11 (2), 386-399, 2018
Effects of metformin on endocrine and metabolic parameters in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome
M Zahra, M Shah, A Ali, R Rahim
Hormone and Metabolic Research 49 (02), 103-108, 2017
A new channel boosted convolutional neural network using transfer learning
A Khan, A Sohail, A Ali
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.08528, 2018
Person–job misfit: perceived overqualification and counterproductive work behavior
J Khan, A Ali, I Saeed, A Vega-Muñoz, N Contreras-Barraza
Frontiers in psychology 13, 936900, 2022
Assessment of Sentinel-2-derived vegetation indices for the estimation of above-ground biomass/carbon stock, temporal deforestation and carbon emissions estimation in the moist …
K Khan, J Iqbal, A Ali, SN Khan
Applied Ecology & Environmental Research 18 (1), 2020
Relationship between celebrity endorsements & consumer purchase intention
A Adnan, FA Jan, A Ali, SA Shah
Contemporary Issues in Business & Economics (ICCIBE) 179, 2018
Heat source/sink effects on non-Newtonian MHD fluid flow and heat transfer over a permeable stretching surface: Lie group analysis
MN Tufail, AS Butt, A Ali
Indian Journal of Physics 88, 75-82, 2014
Etched-track kinetics in isotropic detectors
A Ali, SA Durrani
Nuclear Track Detection 1 (2), 107-121, 1977
Effect of sowing dates and planting patterns on growth and yield of mungbean, Vigna radiata L.
MA Malik, MF Saleem, AA Asghar Ali, RAF Ishaq
Revisiting organizational justice and employees job satisfaction: A stakeholders perspectiveof NGOs In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
SG Durrani, A Ali, I Saeed
Journal of Managerial Sciences 15 (3), 144-156, 2021
Influence of Green Marketing Practice on Consumer Buying Behavior: Moderating Persuasion of Environmental Awareness.
F Haq, A Adnan, A Ali
Journal of Managerial Sciences 15, 2021
Temperature and duration of the shadow of a recently-arrived lunar boulder
SA Durrani, KAR Khazal, A Ali
Nature 266 (5601), 411-415, 1977
Effect of dividend policy on stock prices
I Sharif, A Ali, FA Jan
Journal of Management Info 4 (1), 19-28, 2017
The Impact of Organizational Image and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Employee Performance.
A Ali, O Ullah
Journal of Research & Reflections in Education (JRRE) 12 (1), 2018
Indus Basin Floods: Mechanisms
A Ali
Impacts, and Management, 2013
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