Dr. Usama Ijaz Bajwa
Dr. Usama Ijaz Bajwa
Tenured Associate Professor, COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus
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dResU-Net: 3D deep residual U-Net based brain tumor segmentation from multimodal MRI
R Raza, UI Bajwa, Y Mehmood, MW Anwar, MH Jamal
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 79, 103861, 2023
Toward human activity recognition: a survey
G Saleem, UI Bajwa, RH Raza
Neural Computing and Applications 35 (5), 4145-4182, 2023
Multi-class classification of brain tumor types from MR images using EfficientNets
F Zulfiqar, UI Bajwa, Y Mehmood
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 84, 104777, 2023
Coronavirus (COVID-19) detection from chest radiology images using convolutional neural networks
G Gilanie, UI Bajwa, MM Waraich, M Asghar, R Kousar, A Kashif, ...
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 66, 102490, 2021
Anomaly recognition from surveillance videos using 3D convolution neural network
R Maqsood, UI Bajwa, G Saleem, RH Raza, MW Anwar
Multimedia Tools and Applications 80 (12), 18693-18716, 2021
Detecting Fever in Polish Children by Infrared Thermography
UB E.F.J. Ring, A.Jung, J.Zuber, P.Rutowski, B
9th International conference on Quantitative InfraRed Thermography, 125-128, 2008
Hybrid segmentation method with confidence region detection for tumor identification
K Ejaz, MSM Rahim, UI Bajwa, H Chaudhry, A Rehman, F Ejaz
IEEE Access 9, 35256-35278, 2020
RiceNet: convolutional neural networks-based model to classify Pakistani grown rice seed types
G Gilanie, N Nasir, UI Bajwa, H Ullah
Multimedia Systems, 1-9, 2021
Spatial Video Forgery Detection and Localization using Texture Analysis of Consecutive Frames.
M Saddique, K Asghar, UI Bajwa, M Hussain, Z Habib
Advances in Electrical & Computer Engineering 19 (3), 2019
Mapping urban and peri-urban breeding habitats of Aedes mosquitoes using a fuzzy analytical hierarchical process based on climatic and physical parameters
MS Sarfraz, NK Tripathi, FS Faruque, UI Bajwa, A Kitamoto, M Souris
Geospatial health 8 (3), S685-S697, 2014
Decision Tree Based Approaches for Detecting Protein Complex in Protein Protein Interaction Network (PPI) via Link and Sequence Analysis
A Sikandar, W Anwar, UI Bajwa, X Wang, M Sikandar, L Yao, ZL Jiang, ...
IEEE Access 6, 22108-22120, 2018
Challenges in Urdu text tokenization and sentence boundary disambiguation
Z Rehman, W Anwar, UI Bajwa
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on South Southeast Asian Natural Language …, 2011
A light weight stemmer for Urdu language: a scarce resourced language
SA Khan, W Anwar, UI Bajwa, X Wang
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on South and Southeast Asian Natural …, 2012
N-gram and gazetteer list based named entity recognition for urdu: A scarce resourced language
F Jahangir, W Anwar, UI Bajwa, X Wang
Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Asian Language Resources, 95-104, 2012
Classification of normal and abnormal brain MRI slices using Gabor texture and support vector machines
G Gilanie, UI Bajwa, MM Waraich, Z Habib, H Ullah, M Nasir
Signal, Image and Video Processing 12, 479-487, 2018
Digital Video Tampering Detection and Localization: Review, Representations, Challenges and Algorithm
N Akhtar, M Saddique, K Asghar, UI Bajwa, M Hussain, Z Habib
Mathematics 10 (2), 168, 2022
Classification of Authentic and Tampered Video Using Motion Residual and Parasitic Layers
M Saddique, K Asghar, UI Bajwa, M Hussain, HA Aboalsamh, Z Habib
IEEE Access 8, 56782-56797, 2020
An Unsupervised Learning with Feature Approach for Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
K Ejaz, MSM Rahim, UI Bajwa, N Rana, A Rehman
Proceedings of the 2019 9th International Conference on Bioscience …, 2019
Morpheme matching based text tokenization for a scarce resourced language
Z Rehman, W Anwar, UI Bajwa, W Xuan, Z Chaoying
PloS one 8 (8), e68178, 2013
Template Based Affix Stemmer for a Morphologically Rich Language
S Khan, M Anwar, U Bajwa, W Xuan
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