K.S. Rawat
K.S. Rawat
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIET, Meerut
Потвърден имейл адрес: miet.ac.in
Design modifications in micro pin fin configuration of microchannel heat sink for single phase liquid flow: A review
P Bhandari, KS Rawat, YK Prajapati, D Padalia, L Ranakoti, T Singh
Journal of Energy Storage 66, 107548, 2023
Vertical distribution of physico-chemical properties under different topo-sequence in soils of Jharkhand
R Kumar, KS Rawat, B Yadav
Journal of Agricultural Physics 12 (1), 63-69, 2012
Biomass to fuel: conversion techniques
KS Rawat
Energy Resources: Development, Harvesting and Management, 1st ed.; Nautiyal …, 2016
A review on design alteration in microchannel heat sink for augmented thermohydraulic performance
P Bhandari, KS Rawat, YK Prajapati, D Padalia, L Ranakoti, T Singh
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 15 (2), 102417, 2024
Numerical investigation of ice slurry flow in a horizontal pipe
KS Rawat, AK Pratihar
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 310 (1), 012095, 2018
Thermo-fluidic modelling of a heat exchanger tube with conical shaped insert having protrusion and dimple roughness
BP Singh, VS Bisht, P Bhandari, KS Rawat
Aptisi Transactions on Technopreneurship (ATT) 3 (2), 127-143, 2021
Numerical simulation of solar air heater using paraffin wax-aluminum compound as phase changing material
A Kumar, P Bhandari, KS Rawat
Aptisi Transactions on Technopreneurship (ATT) 3 (2), 164-170, 2021
Thermodynamic Analysis of Combined ORC-VCR System Using Low Grade Thermal Energy
K.S. Rawat, H Khulve, A.K. Pratihar
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering …, 2015
Effect of sewage sludge and biofertilizers on physicochemical properties of alluvial soil.
J Singh, KS Rawat, A Kumar, A Singh
Effect micro-nutrients and farm yard manure on soil properties and yield of maize (Zea mays l.) in lower Indo-Gangetic Plain of Uttar Pradesh
D Pratap, J Singh, R Kumar, O Kumar, KS Rawat
Journal of Applied and Natural Science 8 (1), 236, 2016
Vegetation indices mapping for Bhiwani district of Haryana (India) through LANDSAT-7ETM+ and remote sensing techniques
A Bala, KS Rawat, A Misra, A Srivastava
Journal of Applied and Natural Science 7 (2), 874-879, 2015
Effect of variable blockage height ratio on performance for solar air heater roughened with 45° Z-shaped baffles
J Bohra, VS Bisht, P Bhandari, KS Rawat, J Singh, K Kumar, B Rawat
Materials Today: Proceedings 69, 153-157, 2022
Evaluation of CSM-CERES-wheat in simulating wheat yield and its attributes with different sowing environments in Tarai region of Uttarakhand
RK Pal, KS Rawat, J Singh, NS Murty
Journal of Applied and Natural Science 7 (1), 404, 2015
Effect of D-shaped, reverse D-shaped and U-shaped turbulators in solar air heater on thermo-hydraulic performance
A Ghildyal, VS Bisht, P Bhandari, KS Rawat
Archives of Thermodynamics, 3-20-3-20, 2023
Exergy analysis of solar air heater roughened with Z-shaped baffles
A Shrivastav, S Kaushik, K Rawat, J Bohra, VS Bisht, P Bhandari, K Rawat
Neuro Quantology 20, 2313-2317, 2022
Influence of M shaped
A Shrivastav, S Kaushik, K Rawat, A Ghildyal, VS Bisht, K Rawat, ...
Wedge shaped and Reverse Wedge shaped Turbulators in Solar Air Heater, Neuro …, 2022
Thermodynamic investigation on solar air heater having roughness as multiple broken arc and circular protrusion
A Semalty, VS Bisht, P Bhandari, K Rawat, J Singh, K Kumar, AK Dixit
Materials Today: Proceedings 69, 181-186, 2022
The use of a vortex generator for the efficient cooling of lithium-ion batteries in hybrid electric vehicles
AS Bisht, VS Bisht, P Bhandari, KS Rawat, T Alam, P Blecich
Processes 11 (2), 500, 2023
Numerical study of car radiator using dimple roughness and nanofluid
RK Thapa, VS Bisht, P Bhandari, KS Rawat
Archives of Thermodynamics, 125-140-125-140, 2022
Effect of surface treatment on tribological characteristic of ferrite nanoparticles epoxy composites
AK Singh, MGH Zaidi, R Saxena, R Suman, P Maheshwari, HP Gangwar, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 802 (1), 012007, 2020
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