Imranali momin
Imranali momin
Потвърден имейл адрес: ncmrwf.gov.in
Seasonal intercomparison of observational rainfall datasets over India during the southwest monsoon season
S Prakash, AK Mitra, IM Momin, EN Rajagopal, S Basu, M Collins, ...
International Journal of Climatology 35 (9), 2326-2338, 2015
Gridded daily Indian monsoon rainfall for 14 seasons: Merged TRMM and IMD gauge analyzed values
AK Mitra, IM Momin, EN Rajagopal, S Basu, MN Rajeevan, ...
Journal of Earth System Science 122, 1173-1182, 2013
Comparison of TMPA-3B42 versions 6 and 7 precipitation products with gauge-based data over India for the southwest monsoon period
S Prakash, AK Mitra, IM Momin, DS Pai, EN Rajagopal, S Basu
Journal of Hydrometeorology 16 (1), 346-362, 2015
Evaluation and inter-comparison of high-resolution multi-satellite rainfall products over India for the southwest monsoon period
MV Reddy, AK Mitra, IM Momin, AK Mitra, DS Pai
International journal of remote sensing 40 (12), 4577-4603, 2019
Simulated sea surface salinity variability in the tropical Indian Ocean
R Sharma, N Agarwal, IM Momin, S Basu, VK Agarwal
Journal of Climate 23 (24), 6542-6554, 2010
Prediction of the August 2018 heavy rainfall events over Kerala with high‐resolution NWP models
R Ashrit, K Sharma, S Kumar, A Dube, S Karunasagar, T Arulalan, ...
Meteorological Applications 27 (2), e1906, 2020
Prediction of monsoon using a seamless coupled modelling system
AK Mitra, EN Rajagopal, GR Iyengar, DK Mahapatra, IM Momin, A Gera, ...
Current Science, 1369-1379, 2013
Sea surface height anomaly and upper ocean temperature over the Indian Ocean during contrasting monsoons
A Gera, AK Mitra, DK Mahapatra, IM Momin, EN Rajagopal, S Basu
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 75, 1-21, 2016
Skill of short‐to medium‐range monsoon rainfall forecasts from two global models over India for hydro‐meteorological applications
S Prakash, AK Mitra, IM Momin, EN Rajagopal, SF Milton, GM Martin
Meteorological Applications 23 (4), 574-586, 2016
An early assessment of medium range monsoon precipitation forecasts from the latest high-resolution NCEP-GFS (T1534) model over South Asia
S Prakash, IM Momin, AK Mitra, PS Bhattacharjee, F Yang, ...
Pure and Applied Geophysics 173, 2215-2225, 2016
A review of recent evaluations of TRMM Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) research products against ground-based observations over Indian land and oceanic regions
S Prakash, A Mitra, IM Momin, EN Rajagopal, S Basu, RM Gairola, DS Pai
Mausam 66 (3), 355-366, 2015
Predicting the rapid intensification and dynamics of pre-monsoon extremely severe cyclonic storm ‘Fani’(2019) over the Bay of Bengal in a 12-km global model
V Singh, RT Konduru, AK Srivastava, IM Momin, S Kumar, AK Singh, ...
Atmospheric Research 247, 105222, 2021
Impact of satellite-derived precipitation on simulated sea-surface salinity in the tropical Indian Ocean
IM Momin, N Agarwal, R Sharma, S Basu, VK Agarwal
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 7 (4), 650-654, 2010
Variability of sea surface salinity in the tropical Indian Ocean as inferred from Aquarius and in situ data sets
IM Momin, AK Mitra, S Prakash, DK Mahapatra, A Gera, EN Rajagopal
International Journal of Remote Sensing 36 (7), 1907-1920, 2015
Satellite-derived heat content in the tropical Indian Ocean
IM Momin, R Sharma, S Basu
Remote Sensing Letters 2 (4), 269-277, 2011
Impact of chlorophyll concentration on thermodynamics and dynamics in the tropical Indian ocean
A Gera, AK Mitra, JP McCreary, R Hood, IM Momin
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 179, 104871, 2020
Indian Ocean simulation results from NEMO global ocean model
IM Momin, AK Mitra, DK Mahapatra, EN Rajagopal, L Harenduprakash
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2013
How accurately satellite precipitation products capture the tropical cyclone rainfall?
MV Reddy, AK Mitra, IM Momin, UVM Krishna
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 50 (10), 1871-1884, 2022
Implementation of NEMO based Global 3DVar Ocean Data Assimilation System at NCMRWF: Technical Aspects
IM Momin, AK Mitra, EN Rajagopal
NMRF/TR/02/2020, p26, 2020
Impact of model resolutions on Indian ocean simulations from Global NEMO Ocean Model
IM Momin, AK Mitra, DK Mahapatra, A Gera, EN Rajagopal
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2014
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