Gerald Hiebel
Building and using a knowledge graph to combat human trafficking
P Szekely, CA Knoblock, J Slepicka, A Philpot, A Singh, C Yin, D Kapoor, ...
The Semantic Web-ISWC 2015: 14th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2015
CRMgeo: A spatiotemporal extension of CIDOC-CRM
G Hiebel, M Doerr, Ø Eide
International Journal on Digital Libraries 18, 271-279, 2017
CRMgeo: Linking the CIDOC CRM to GeoSPARQL through a spatiotemporal refinement
M Doerr, G Hiebel, Ø Eide
Miners and mining in the Late Bronze Age: a multidisciplinary study from Austria
J Schibler, E Breitenlechner, S Deschler-Erb, G Goldenberg, K Hanke, ...
Antiquity 85 (330), 1259-1278, 2011
Prähistorischer Kupfererzbergbau im Maukental bei Radfeld/Brixlegg
G Goldenberg, E Breitenlechner, S Deschler-Erb, K Hanke, G Hiebel, ...
Forschungsprogramm HiMAT–Neues zur Bergbaugeschichte der Ostalpen …, 2012
FAIR data for prehistoric mining archaeology
G Hiebel, G Goldenberg, C Grutsch, K Hanke, M Staudt
International Journal on Digital Libraries 22 (3), 267-277, 2021
Definition of the CRMsci an extension of CIDOC-CRM to support scientific observation
M Doerr, A Kritsotaki, Y Rousakis, G Hiebel, M Theodoridou
Forth-Institution of Computer Science, 2015
CRMsci: the Scientific Observation Model An Extension of CIDOC-CRM to support scientific observation
M Doerr, A Kritsotaki, Y Rousakis, G Hiebel, M Theodoridou
Produced by FORTH and collaborators. Version 1 (1), 2014
Methodology for CIDOC CRM based data integration with spatial data
G Hiebel, K Hanke, I Hayek
CAA, 1-8, 2010
Definition of the CRMarchaeo, an extension of CIDOC CRM to support the archaeological excavation process
M Doerr, A Felicetti, S Hermon, G Hiebel, A Kritsotaki, A Masur, K May, ...
Forth-Institution of Computer Science, 2016
Comparing and mapping archaeological excavation data from different recording systems for integration using ontologies
A Masur, K May, G Hiebel, E Aspöck
Museen der Stadt Wien–Stadtarchäologie, 2014
How to put archaeological geometric data into context? Representing mining history research with CIDOC CRM and extensions
G Hiebel, M Doerr, K Hanke, A Masur
International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era 3 (3), 557-577, 2014
Semantic Modelling of Archaeological Excavation Data. A review of the current state of the art and a roadmap of activities
M Katsianis, E Uleberg, R Opitz, P Derudas, CE Ore, G Hiebel, F Hivert, ...
Internet Archaeology, 2023
Implementing the CIDOC conceptual reference model in RDF
M Doerr, R Light, G Hiebel
Greece/Austria 1, 2020
Ontological modeling for excavation documentation and virtual reconstruction of an ancient Egyptian site
G Hiebel, E Aspöck, K Kopetzky
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 14 (3), 1-14, 2021
A Puzzle in 4D: Archiving Digital and Analogue Resources of the Austrian Excavations at Tell el-Daba, Egypt
E Aspöck, G Hiebel, K Kopetzky, M Ďurčo
Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 16, 79-100, 2020
CRMgeo: a Spatiotemporal Model. An Extension of CIDOC CRM to link the CIDOC CRM to GeoSPARQL through a Spatiotemporal Refinement. Proposal for approval by CIDOC CRM-SIG …
G Hiebel, M Doerr, Ø Eide, M Theodoridou
Retrieved, 2017
CRMsci: The scientific observation model
M Doerr, A Kritsotaki, Y Rousakis, G Hiebel, M Theodoridou
FORTH, Tech. Rep., 2014.[Online]. Available: https://projects. ics. forth …, 2014
Surveying and geoinformation-contributions to an interdisciplinary special research program on the history of mining activities
K Hanke, G Hiebel, K Kovacs, M Moser
22nd CIPA Symposium, October, 11-15, 2009
Copper and bronze axes from Western Austria reflecting the use of different copper types from the Early Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age
C Grutsch, J Lutz, G Goldenberg, G Hiebel
Alpine Copper II: new results and perspectives on prehistoric copper …, 2019
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