Karsten Boldt
Karsten Boldt
Senior staff Scientist, Medical bioanalytics Tuebingen
Потвърден имейл адрес: uni-tuebingen.de
LRRK2 controls synaptic vesicle storage and mobilization within the recycling pool
G Piccoli, SB Condliffe, M Bauer, F Giesert, K Boldt, S De Astis, A Meixner, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (6), 2225-2237, 2011
DYX1C1 is required for axonemal dynein assembly and ciliary motility
A Tarkar, NT Loges, CE Slagle, R Francis, GW Dougherty, JV Tamayo, ...
Nature genetics 45 (9), 995-1003, 2013
A novel tandem affinity purification strategy for the efficient isolation and characterisation of native protein complexes
CJ Gloeckner, K Boldt, A Schumacher, R Roepman, M Ueffing
Proteomics 7 (23), 4228-4234, 2007
An siRNA-based functional genomics screen for the identification of regulators of ciliogenesis and ciliopathy genes
G Wheway, M Schmidts, DA Mans, K Szymanska, TMT Nguyen, H Racher, ...
Nature cell biology 17 (8), 1074-1087, 2015
An organelle-specific protein landscape identifies novel diseases and molecular mechanisms
K Boldt, J Van Reeuwijk, Q Lu, K Koutroumpas, TMT Nguyen, Y Texier, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11491, 2016
The Parkinson disease‐associated protein kinase LRRK2 exhibits MAPKKK activity and phosphorylates MKK3/6 and MKK4/7, in vitro
CJ Gloeckner, A Schumacher, K Boldt, M Ueffing
Journal of neurochemistry 109 (4), 959-968, 2009
Mutations in LCA5, encoding the ciliary protein lebercilin, cause Leber congenital amaurosis
AI Den Hollander, RK Koenekoop, MD Mohamed, HH Arts, K Boldt, ...
Nature genetics 39 (7), 889-895, 2007
ANKS6 is a central component of a nephronophthisis module linking NEK8 to INVS and NPHP3
S Hoff, J Halbritter, D Epting, V Frank, TMT Nguyen, J Van Reeuwijk, ...
Nature genetics 45 (8), 951-956, 2013
Pitchfork regulates primary cilia disassembly and left-right asymmetry
D Kinzel, K Boldt, EE Davis, I Burtscher, D Trümbach, B Diplas, ...
Developmental cell 19 (1), 66-77, 2010
Characterizing the morbid genome of ciliopathies
R Shaheen, K Szymanska, B Basu, N Patel, N Ewida, E Faqeih, ...
Genome biology 17, 1-11, 2016
Structural model of the dimeric Parkinson’s protein LRRK2 reveals a compact architecture involving distant interdomain contacts
G Guaitoli, F Raimondi, BK Gilsbach, Y Gómez-Llorente, E Deyaert, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (30), E4357-E4366, 2016
Phosphopeptide analysis reveals two discrete clusters of phosphorylation in the N-terminus and the Roc domain of the Parkinson-disease associated protein kinase LRRK2
CJ Gloeckner, K Boldt, F Von Zweydorf, S Helm, L Wiesent, H Sarioglu, ...
Journal of proteome research 9 (4), 1738-1745, 2010
A QUICK screen for Lrrk2 interaction partners–leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 is involved in actin cytoskeleton dynamics
A Meixner, K Boldt, M Van Troys, M Askenazi, CJ Gloeckner, M Bauer, ...
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 10 (1), M110. 001172, 2011
Disruption of intraflagellar protein transport in photoreceptor cilia causes Leber congenital amaurosis in humans and mice
K Boldt, DA Mans, J Won, J Van Reeuwijk, A Vogt, N Kinkl, SJF Letteboer, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 121 (6), 2169-2180, 2011
Identification of hydroxyapatite spherules provides new insight into subretinal pigment epithelial deposit formation in the aging eye
RB Thompson, V Reffatto, JG Bundy, E Kortvely, JM Flinn, A Lanzirotti, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (5), 1565-1570, 2015
CiliaCarta: An integrated and validated compendium of ciliary genes
TJP Van Dam, J Kennedy, R van Der Lee, E De Vrieze, KA Wunderlich, ...
PloS one 14 (5), e0216705, 2019
Dimethyl fumarate induces ferroptosis and impairs NF-κB/STAT3 signaling in DLBCL
A Schmitt, W Xu, P Bucher, M Grimm, M Konantz, H Horn, M Zapukhlyak, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 138 (10), 871-884, 2021
Tandem affinity purification of protein complexes from mammalian cells by the Strep/FLAG (SF)-TAP tag
CJ Gloeckner, K Boldt, A Schumacher, M Ueffing
Proteomics: Methods and Protocols, 359-372, 2009
Active transport and diffusion barriers restrict Joubert Syndrome-associated ARL13B/ARL-13 to an Inv-like ciliary membrane subdomain
S Cevik, AAWM Sanders, E Van Wijk, K Boldt, L Clarke, J van Reeuwijk, ...
PLoS genetics 9 (12), e1003977, 2013
Strep/FLAG tandem affinity purification (SF‐TAP) to study protein interactions
CJ Gloeckner, K Boldt, M Ueffing
Current protocols in protein science 57 (1), 19.20. 1-19.20. 19, 2009
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