Sohyun An Kim
Towards a dynamic, comprehensive conceptualization of dyslexia
M Wolf, RJM Gotlieb, SA Kim, V Pedroza, LV Rhinehart, MLG Tempini, ...
Annals of Dyslexia 74 (3), 303-324, 2024
Discrimination and harassment experiences of autistic college students and their neurotypical peers: Risk and protective factors
SA Kim, L Baczewski, M Pizzano, C Kasari, A Sturm
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 53 (12), 4521-4534, 2023
Working memory of school-aged children on the autism spectrum: Predictors for longitudinal growth
SA Kim, C Kasari
Autism 27 (8), 2422-2433, 2023
Transition to Kindergarten for Children on the Autism Spectrum: Perspectives of Korean–American Parents
SA Kim
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 53 (3), 1130-1145, 2023
Korean immigrant mothers and the journey to autism diagnosis and services for their child in the United States
H Kim, SA Kim, H Lee, R Dodds
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 54 (12), 4624-4636, 2024
Brief Report: Longitudinal Trajectory of Working Memory in School-Aged Children on the Autism Spectrum: Period of High Plasticity and “Late Bloomers”
SA Kim, C Kasari
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2023
A Validity Study of the Digitized Version of the Rapid Automatized Naming Test
SA Kim, R Gotlieb, LV Rhinehart, V Pedroza, M Wolf
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 42 (3), 357-365, 2024
Executive functioning for school-aged children with autism: Longitudinal trajectories and predictors for growth
SA Kim
University of California, Los Angeles, 2022
The long-lasting benefits of pre-kindergarten education on autistic children’s working memory development
SA Kim
Autism 29 (1), 155-168, 2025
Predictors for Longitudinal Growth in Working Memory for School-Aged Children with Autism
SA Kim, C Kasari
International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Annual Meeting, 2023
Korean Immigrant Mothers and the Journey to an Autism Diagnosis for Their Child in the United States
HY Kim, SA Kim, H Lee, R Dodds
International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Annual Meeting, 2023
Early Identification of Autism
SA Kim
CAAEYC Annual Conference, 2023
Kindergarten Executive Functioning Skills Predict Reading Success for Students with Learning Disabilities
SA Kim, LV Rhinehart
Pacific Coast Research Conference (PCRC), 2023
Postsecondary Education for Students on the Autism Spectrum: Discrimination, Bias, and Social Engagement
SA Kim, A Sturm
Gatlinburg Conference, 2021
Inclusion of Young Children with Social Emotional Difficulties in Early Childhood Education Settings
J Budd, SA Kim
CAAEYC Annual Conference, 2020
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