Dr Grace Hui Xu
Dr Grace Hui Xu
Implementation Science Research Fellow, Nurse Practitioner
Потвърден имейл адрес: qut.edu.au
Effectiveness of insertion and maintenance bundles in preventing peripheral intravenous catheter-related complications and bloodstream infection in hospital patients: a …
G Ray-Barruel, H Xu, N Marsh, M Cooke, CM Rickard
Infection, disease & health 24 (3), 152-168, 2019
Stressors and coping strategies of emergency department nurses and doctors: A cross-sectional study
HG Xu, ANB Johnston, JH Greenslade, M Wallis, E Elder, L Abraham, ...
Australasian emergency care 22 (3), 180-186, 2019
Effectiveness of interventions to reduce emergency department staff occupational stress and/or burnout: a systematic review
HG Xu, K Kynoch, A Tuckett, R Eley
JBI evidence synthesis 18 (6), 1156-1188, 2020
Effects of mobile mindfulness on emergency department work stress: A randomised controlled trial
AT HG Xu, R Eley, K Kynoch
Emergency Medicine Australasia, 1-10, 2021
Smile-Secure my intravenous line effectively: A pilot randomised controlled trial of peripheral intravenous catheter securement in paediatrics
TM Kleidon, CM Rickard, V Gibson, G Mihala, JA Schults, HG Xu, ...
Journal of tissue viability 29 (2), 82-90, 2020
A mobile mindfulness intervention for emergency department staff to improve stress and wellbeing: a qualitative study
HG Xu, A Tuckett, K Kynoch, E Robert
International Emergency Nursing Journal, 2021
The effect of 20 minutes of cool running water first aid within three hours of thermal burn injury on patient outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Y Griffin, B., Cabilan, C.J., Ayoub, B., Xu, H., Palmieri, P., Kimble, R ...
Australasian Emergency Care, 2022
Implementation frameworks, strategies and outcomes used in peripheral intravenous catheter studies: a systematic review
Xu, H., Keogh, S., Ullman, A., Marsh, N., Tobiano, G., Rickard, C,, Clark, J ...
Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2023
Effectiveness of interventions to reduce occupational stress among emergency department staff: a systematic review protocol
HG Xu, K Kynoch, A Tuckett, R Eley, P Newcombe
JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports 17 (4), 513-519, 2019
Effectiveness of interventions to reduce emergency department staff occupational stress and/or burnout: a systematic review. JBI Evid Synth 2020 Jun; 18 (6): 1156–88
HG Xu, K Kynoch, A Tuckett, R Eley
JBISRIR-D-19-00252, 2020
The effectiveness of dressings and securement devices to prevent central venous catheter-associated complications: A systematic review and meta-analysis
H Xu, A Hyun, G Mihala, CM Rickard, ML Cooke, F Lin, M Mitchell, ...
International Journal of Nursing Studies 149, 104620, 2024
Exploring Australian emergency department clinicians' knowledge, attitudes and adherence to the national peripheral intravenous catheter clinical care standard: A cross …
H Xu, CM Rickard, M Takashima, M Butterfield, E Pink, AJ Ullman
Emergency Medicine Australasia 35 (5), 759-770, 2023
Factors impacting emergency department clinicians’ peripheral intravenous catheter practice: A qualitative analysis
HG Xu, AJ Ullman, CM Rickard, A Johnston
International Emergency Nursing 71, 101366, 2023
Effectiveness of insertion and maintenance bundles in preventing peripheral intravenous catheter-related complications and bloodstream infection in hospital patients: A …
G Ray-Barruel, H Xu, N Marsh, M Cooke, CM Rickard
Paediatric nursing research in Australia: A descriptive survey
AJ Ullman, H Xu, A Mitchell, R Doyle, T Kleidon, C Rickard, M Cooke, ...
Collegian 27 (1), 49-56, 2020
An mHealth application for chronic vascular access: Consumer led co-creation
AJ Ullman, V Gibson, TM Kleidon, S Binnewies, R Ohira, N Marsh, ...
Journal of Pediatric Nursing 76, 68-75, 2024
Problem-solving processes for central venous catheter occlusion within pediatric cancer care: A qualitative study
A Hyun, P Condon, T Kleidon, G Xu, R Edwards, V Gibson, A Ullman
European Journal of Oncology Nursing 69, 102520, 2024
Infection associated with invasive devices in pediatric Health care: a meta-analysis
M Takashima, A Hyun, G Xu, A Lions, V Gibson, M Cruickshank, A Ullman
Hospital Pediatrics 14 (1), e42-e56, 2024
Using a LOng peripheral intraVEnous catheter with retractable guidewire to optimize first-insertion success for patients with difficult IntraVenous access in the emergency …
G Xu, A Corley, RS Ware, S Nghiem, S Stiring, C Wang
Vasc Access 16 (2), 41-49, 2022
Exploring clinicians' insertion experience with a new peripheral intravenous catheter in the emergency department
HG Xu, A Hyun, E Kang, N Marsh, A Corley
Australasian Emergency Care 27 (3), 192-197, 2024
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