Achmad Choiruddin
Convex and non-convex regularization methods for spatial point processes intensity estimation
A Choiruddin, JF Coeurjolly, F Letué
Information criteria for inhomogeneous spatial point processes
A Choiruddin, JF Coeurjolly, R Waagepetersen
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 63 (1), 119-143, 2021
COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on return on asset and financing of Islamic commercial banks: evidence from Indonesia
GPD Sohibien, L Laome, A Choiruddin, H Kuswanto
Sustainability 14 (3), 1128, 2022
Regularized estimation for highly multivariate log Gaussian Cox processes
A Choiruddin, F Cuevas-Pacheco, JF Coeurjolly, R Waagepetersen
Statistics and Computing 30 (3), 649-662, 2020
Quantifying the Effect of Geological Factors on Distribution of Earthquake Occurrences by Inhomogeneous Cox Processes
A Choiruddin, Aisah, F Trisnisa, N Iriawan
Pure and Applied Geophysics 178 (5), 1579-1592, 2021
Pemodelan risiko gempa bumi di pulau Sumatera menggunakan model inhomogeneous neyman-scott cox process
R Metrikasari, A Choiruddin
Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 9 (2), 487941, 2021
Two-step estimation for modeling the earthquake occurrences in Sumatra by Neyman–Scott Cox point processes
A Choiruddin, TY Susanto, R Metrikasari
Soft Computing in Data Science: 6th International Conference, SCDS 2021 …, 2021
Forecast of aviation traffic in Indonesia based on google trend and macroeconomic data using long short-term memory
MK Khafidli, A Choiruddin
2022 International conference on data science and its applications (ICoDSA …, 2022
kppmenet: combining the kppm and elastic net regularization for inhomogeneous Cox point process with correlated covariates
A Choiruddin, TY Susanto, A Husain, YM Kartikasari
Journal of Applied Statistics 51 (5), 993–1006, 2024
Poisson and logistic regressions for inhomogeneous multivariate point processes: a case study in the Barro Colorado Island plot
A Husain, A Choiruddin
Soft Computing in Data Science: 6th International Conference, SCDS 2021 …, 2021
Model inhomogeneous spatial cox processes untuk pemetaan risiko gempabumi di pulau jawa
F Trisnisa, R Metrikasari, R Rabbanie, K Sakdiyah, A Choiruddin
Inferensi 2 (2), 107-111, 2019
Adaptive lasso and Dantzig selector for spatial point processes intensity estimation
A Choiruddin, JF Coeurjolly, F Letué
Bernoulli 29 (3), 1849-1876, 2023
Peramalan Data Curah Hujan dengan Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) dengan Deteksi Outlier sebagai Upaya Optimalisasi Produksi Pertanian di Kabupaten …
AM Huda, A Choiruddin, O Budiarto, Sutikno
Seminar Nasional: Kedaulatan Pangan dan Energi Fakultas Pertanian …, 2012
COVID-19 transmission risk in Surabaya and Sidoarjo: an inhomogeneous marked Poisson point process approach
A Choiruddin, FF Hannanu, J Mateu, V Fitriyanah
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 37 (6), 2271-2282, 2023
Hybrid Machine Learning for Forecasting and Monitoring Air Pollution in Surabaya
Suhartono, A Choiruddin, H Prabowo, MH Lee
International Conference on Soft Computing in Data Science, 366-380, 2021
Analisis risiko penyebaran kasus Covid-19 di Surabaya Raya menggunakan model thomas cluster process
TA Virania, A Choiruddin, V Ratnasari
Inferensi 4 (1), 57-67, 2021
Pemberdayaan berkelanjutan UMKM sadar halal di Madiun guna mendukung proses sertifikasi halal
B Sampurno, A Choiruddin, H Mirmanto, A Kurniawan, M Haekal
Sewagati 6 (6), 685-692, 2022
A novel hybrid GSTARX-RNN model for forecasting space-time data with calendar variation effect
Suhartono, F Hikmawati, E Setyowati, NA Salehah, A Choiruddin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1463 (1), 012037, 2020
Analisis Risiko Gempabumi di Sumatera dengan Cauchy Cluster Process
YM Kartikasari, A Choiruddin
Inferensi 5 (2), 123-134, 2022
On the earthquake modeling by using bayesian mixture Poisson process Int
Aisah, N Iriawan, A Choiruddin
Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 29, 3350-3358, 2020
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