Andreas Glöckner
Andreas Glöckner
Потвърден имейл адрес: uni-koeln.de - Начална страница
Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science
Open Science Collaboration
Science 349 (6251), aac4716, 2015
Beyond dual-process models: A categorisation of processes underlying intuitive judgement and decision making
A Glöckner, C Witteman
Thinking & Reasoning 16 (1), 1-25, 2010
An eye‐tracking study on information processing in risky decisions: Evidence for compensatory strategies based on automatic processes
A Glöckner, AK Herbold
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 24 (1), 71-98, 2011
Multiple-reason decision making based on automatic processing.
A Glöckner, T Betsch
Journal of experimental psychology: Learning, memory, and cognition 34 (5), 1055, 2008
Modeling option and strategy choices with connectionist networks: Towards an integrative model of automatic and deliberate decision making
A Glöckner, T Betsch
Judgment and Decision Making 3 (3), 215–228, 2008
The dynamics of decision making in risky choice: An eye-tracking analysis
S Fiedler, A Glöckner
Frontiers in psychology 3, 335, 2012
Personality and prosocial behavior: linking basic traits and social value orientations.
BE Hilbig, A Glöckner, I Zettler
Journal of personality and social psychology 107 (3), 529, 2014
The effects of routine strength on adaptation and information search in recurrent decision making
T Betsch, S Haberstroh, A Glöckner, T Haar, K Fiedler
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 84 (1), 23-53, 2001
Intuition in judgment and decision making: Extensive thinking without effort
T Betsch, A Glöckner
Psychological Inquiry 21 (4), 279-294, 2010
Registered replication report: Rand, greene, and nowak (2012)
S Bouwmeester, PPJL Verkoeijen, B Aczel, F Barbosa, L Bègue, ...
Perspectives on Psychological Science 12 (3), 527-542, 2017
Social value orientation and information search in social dilemmas: An eye-tracking analysis
S Fiedler, A Glöckner, A Nicklisch, S Dickert
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 120 (2), 272-284, 2013
How distinct are intuition and deliberation? An eye-tracking analysis of instruction-induced decision modes
N Horstmann, A Ahlgrimm, A Glöckner
Judgment and Decision Making 4 (5), 335–354, 2009
Cognitive models of risky choice: Parameter stability and predictive accuracy of prospect theory
A Glöckner, T Pachur
Cognition 123 (1), 21-32, 2012
Oops, I did it again—relapse errors in routinized decision making
T Betsch, S Haberstroh, B Molter, A Glöckner
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 93 (1), 62-74, 2004
Do people make decisions under risk based on ignorance? An empirical test of the priority heuristic against cumulative prospect theory
A Glöckner, T Betsch
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 107 (1), 75-95, 2008
Perceptions of the appropriate response to norm violation in 57 societies
K Eriksson, P Strimling, M Gelfand, J Wu, J Abernathy, CS Akotia, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 1481, 2021
Coherence shifts in probabilistic inference tasks
A Glöckner, T Betsch, N Schindler
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 23 (5), 439-462, 2010
The empirical content of theories in judgment and decision making: Shortcomings and remedies
A Glöckner, T Betsch
Judgment and decision making 6 (8), 711-721, 2011
What is adaptive about adaptive decision making? A parallel constraint satisfaction account
A Glöckner, BE Hilbig, M Jekel
Cognition 133 (3), 641-666, 2014
Focusing on what you own: Biased information uptake due to ownership
NJS Ashby, S Dickert, A Glöckner
Judgment and Decision making 7 (3), 254-267, 2012
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