Emma Aisbett
When the claim hits: Bilateral investment treaties and bounded rational learning
LNS Poulsen, E Aisbett
World Politics 65 (2), 273-313, 2013
Overcoming barriers to solar and wind energy adoption in two Asian giants: India and Indonesia
PJ Burke, J Widnyana, Z Anjum, E Aisbett, B Resosudarmo, KGH Baldwin
Energy Policy 132, 1216-1228, 2019
Bilateral investment treaties and foreign direct investment: correlation versus causation
E Aisbett
The Effect of Treaties on Foreign Direct Investment: Bilateral Investment …, 2009
Why are the Critics so Convinced that Globalization is Bad for the Poor?
E Aisbett
Globalization and Poverty, 33-86, 2007
Bilateral investment treaties as deterrents of host-country discretion: the impact of investor-state disputes on foreign direct investment in developing countries
E Aisbett, M Busse, P Nunnenkamp
Review of World Economics, 1-37, 2017
Towards emissions certification systems for international trade in hydrogen: The policy challenge of defining boundaries for emissions accounting
LV White, R Fazeli, W Cheng, E Aisbett, FJ Beck, KGH Baldwin, ...
Energy 215, 119139, 2021
Zero-carbon steel production: the opportunities and role for Australia
M Venkataraman, Z Csereklyei, E Aisbett, A Rahbari, F Jotzo, M Lord, ...
Energy Policy 163, 112811, 2022
Environmental and Health Protections, or new protectionism? determinants of SPS notifications by WTO members
E Aisbett, LM Pearson
Crawford School Research Paper No. 12-13, 2012
Diplomats want treaties: Diplomatic agendas and perks in the investment regime
LNS Poulsen, E Aisbett
Journal of International Dispute Settlement 7 (1), 72-91, 2016
Compensation for Indirect Expropriation in International Investment Agreements: Implications of National Treatment and Rights to Invest
E Aisbett, L Karp, C McAusland
Journal of Globalization and Development 1 (2), 2010
Police powers, regulatory takings and the efficient compensation of domestic and foreign investors
E Aisbett, L Karp, C McAusland
Economic Record 86 (274), 367-383, 2010
Contributing to regional decarbonization: Australia's potential to supply zero-carbon commodities to the Asia-Pacific
PJ Burke, FJ Beck, E Aisbett, KGH Baldwin, M Stocks, J Pye, ...
Energy 248, 123563, 2022
Globalization and poverty: what is the evidence?
E Aisbett, A Harrison, A Zwane
Trade, Globalization and Poverty, 33-61, 2007
Tariff liberalization and product standards: Regulatory chill and race to the bottom?
E Aisbett, M Silberberger
Regulation & Governance 15 (3), 987-1006, 2021
Maintaining the common pool: Voluntary water conservation in response to varying scarcity
E Aisbett, R Steinhauser
Environmental and Resource Economics 59, 167-185, 2014
Firm characteristics and influence on government rule-making: Theory and evidence
E Aisbett, C McAusland
European journal of political economy 29, 214-235, 2013
Natural replacements for ozone-depleting refrigerants in eastern and southern Asia
EK Aisbett, QT Pham
International Journal of Refrigeration 21 (1), 18-28, 1998
Toxic trade: the impact of preferential trade agreements on alcohol imports from Australia in partner countries
A Schram, E Aisbett, B Townsend, R Labonté, F Baum, S Friel
Addiction 115 (7), 1277-1284, 2020
International green economy collaborations: Chasing mutual gains in the energy transition
E Aisbett, W Raynal, R Steinhauser, B Jones
Energy Research & Social Science 104, 103249, 2023
Valuing ecosystem services to agricultural production to inform policy design: an introduction
E Aisbett, ME Kragt
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