A review on the importance of metals and metalloids in atmospheric dust and aerosol from mining operations J Csavina, J Field, MP Taylor, S Gao, A Landázuri, EA Betterton, AE Sáez Science of the Total Environment 433, 58-73, 2012 | 690 | 2012 |
A geomorphological framework for river characterization and habitat assessment JR Thomson, MP Taylor, KA Fryirs, GJ Brierley Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 11 (5), 373-389, 2001 | 285 | 2001 |
Why rehabilitate urban river systems? SJ Findlay, MP Taylor Area 38 (3), 312-325, 2006 | 277 | 2006 |
Linking source and effect: Resuspended soil lead, air lead, and children’s blood lead levels in Detroit, Michigan S Zahran, MAS Laidlaw, SP McElmurry, GM Filippelli, M Taylor Environmental science & technology 47 (6), 2839-2845, 2013 | 274 | 2013 |
Can field portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) produce high quality data for application in environmental contamination research? M Rouillon, MP Taylor Environmental Pollution 214, 255-264, 2016 | 248 | 2016 |
Quantification and exposure assessment of microplastics in Australian indoor house dust NS Soltani, MP Taylor, SP Wilson Environmental Pollution 283, 117064, 2021 | 206 | 2021 |
Soil Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn contaminants around Mount Isa city, Queensland, Australia: Potential sources and risks to human health MP Taylor, AK Mackay, KA Hudson-Edwards, E Holz Applied Geochemistry 25 (6), 841-855, 2010 | 199 | 2010 |
Re-suspension of lead contaminated urban soil as a dominant source of atmospheric lead in Birmingham, Chicago, Detroit and Pittsburgh, USA MAS Laidlaw, S Zahran, HW Mielke, MP Taylor, GM Filippelli Atmospheric environment 49, 302-310, 2012 | 191 | 2012 |
Potential for childhood lead poisoning in the inner cities of Australia due to exposure to lead in soil dust MAS Laidlaw, MP Taylor Environmental Pollution 159 (1), 1-9, 2011 | 171 | 2011 |
Widespread copper and lead contamination of household drinking water, New South Wales, Australia PJ Harvey, HK Handley, MP Taylor Environmental research 151, 275-285, 2016 | 148 | 2016 |
Authenticity and geographic origin of global honeys determined using carbon isotope ratios and trace elements X Zhou, MP Taylor, H Salouros, S Prasad Scientific reports 8 (1), 14639, 2018 | 143 | 2018 |
Identification of environmental lead sources and pathways in a mining and smelting town: Mount Isa, Australia AK Mackay, MP Taylor, NC Munksgaard, KA Hudson-Edwards, ... Environmental Pollution 180, 304-311, 2013 | 142 | 2013 |
2000 years of sediment‐borne heavy metal storage in the Yorkshire Ouse basin, NE England, UK KA Hudson‐Edwards, MG Macklin, MP Taylor Hydrological Processes 13 (7), 1087-1102, 1999 | 138 | 1999 |
Quantification of class 1 integron abundance in natural environments using real-time quantitative PCR SA Hardwick, HW Stokes, S Findlay, M Taylor, MR Gillings FEMS microbiology letters 278 (2), 207-212, 2008 | 129 | 2008 |
Size-resolved dust and aerosol contaminants associated with copper and lead smelting emissions: implications for emission management and human health J Csavina, MP Taylor, O Félix, KP Rine, AE Sáez, EA Betterton Science of the total environment 493, 750-756, 2014 | 126 | 2014 |
Blood lead levels in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review B Ericson, H Hu, E Nash, G Ferraro, J Sinitsky, MP Taylor The Lancet Planetary Health 5 (3), e145-e153, 2021 | 124 | 2021 |
Environmental arsenic, cadmium and lead dust emissions from metal mine operations: Implications for environmental management, monitoring and human health MP Taylor, SA Mould, LJ Kristensen, M Rouillon Environmental research 135, 296-303, 2014 | 118 | 2014 |
Sono‐Cathodic Stripping Voltammetry of Lead at a Polished Boron‐Doped Diamond Electrode: Application to the Determination of Lead in River Sediment AJ Saterlay, C Agra‐Gutiérrez, MP Taylor, F Marken, RG Compton Electroanalysis: An International Journal Devoted to Fundamental and …, 1999 | 114 | 1999 |
Historic metal mining inputs to Tees river sediment K Hudson-Edwards, M Macklin, M Taylor Science of the total Environment 194, 437-445, 1997 | 105 | 1997 |
Human exposure and risk associated with trace element concentrations in indoor dust from Australian homes INY Doyi, CF Isley, NS Soltani, MP Taylor Environment international 133, 105125, 2019 | 104 | 2019 |