Dr. Najmul Hasan
Dr. Najmul Hasan
Assistant Professor in Information Systems, BRAC Business School, BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
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Impact of “e-Learning Crack-up” Perception on Psychological Distress among College Students During COVID-19 pandemic: A mediating Role of “Fear of Academic Year Loss”
N Hasan, Y Bao
Children and Youth Services Review 118, e105355, 2020
The effects of service quality, perceived value and trust in home delivery service personnel on customer satisfaction: Evidence from a developing country
MUH Uzir, HA Halbusib, R Thurasamy, RLT Hock, MA Aljaberi, N Hasan, ...
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 63, 102721, 2021
DenseNet Convolutional Neural Networks Application for Predicting COVID‑19 Using CT Image
N Hasan, Y Bao, A Shawon, Y Huang
SN Computer Science 2 (5), 1-11, 2021
Gender differences in information and communication technology use & skills: a systematic review and meta-analysis
A Qazi, N Hasan, O Abayomi-Alli, G Hardaker, R Scherer, Y Sarker, ...
Education and Information Technologies, 2021
A Methodological Approach for Predicting COVID-19 Epidemic Using EEMD-ANN Hybrid Model
N Hasan
Internet of Things 11, e100228, 2020
Factors affecting post-implementation success of enterprise resource planning systems: a perspective of business process performance
N Hasan, SJ Miah, Y Bao, MR Hoque
Enterprise Information Systems 13 (9), 1217-1244, 2019
A Systematic Literature Review of the Application of Information Communication Technology for Visually Impaired People
MM Ashraf, N Hasan, L Lewis, MR Hasan, P Ray
International Journal of Disability Management 11, 2016
Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition based Hybrid Model for Day-ahead Peak Load Forecasting
Y Huang, N Hasan, C Deng, Y Bao
Energy 239 (Part C), 122245, 2022
Multi-step-ahead Stock Price Index Forecasting using Long Short-Term Memory Model with Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition
C Deng, Y Huang, N Hasan, Y Bao
Information Sciences 607, 297–321, 2022
Extending the framework for Mobile Health Information Systems Research: A Content Analysis
SJ Miah, J Gammack, N Hasan
Information Systems, 2017
Effects of in-store live stream on consumers’ offline purchase intention
P Zhang, CWF Chao, R Chiong, N Hasan, H M.Aljaroodi, F Tian
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 72, 103262, 2023
Healthcare support for underserved communities using a mobile social media platform
SJ Miah, N Hasan, R Hasan, J Gammack
Information Systems 66, 1-12, 2017
Comparing different feature selection algorithms for cardiovascular disease prediction
N Hasan, Y Bao
Health and Technology 11 (1), 49–62, 2021
Assessing the Adoption of sustainability practices in tourism industry: Insights from a developing country
MF Islam, Z Jing, N Hasan
The Bottom Line, 2019
Perception and prediction of intention to use online banking systems: An empirical study using extended TAM
SA Hossain, Y Bao, N Hasan, MF Islam
International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science 9 (1), 112-126, 2020
A Methodological Requirement for designing Healthcare Analytics Solution: A Literature Analysis
SJ Miah, J Gammack, N Hasan
Health Informatics Journal, 2019
Modeling Effects of KM and HRM Processes to the Organizational Performance and Employee’s Job Satisfaction
A Rahman, Najmul Hasan
International Journal of Business and Management 12 (7), 35-45, 2017
A multi-method analytical approach to predicting young adults’ intention to invest in mHealth during the COVID-19 pandemic
N Hasan, Y Bao, R Chiong
Telematics and Informatics 68, e101765, 2022
Exploring the impact of ICT usage among indigenous people and their quality of Life: operationalizing Sen’s capability approach
N Hasan, Y Bao, SJ Miah
Information Technology for Development, 2021
Examining the nexus between transformational leadership and follower's radical creativity: the role of creative process engagement and leader creativity expectation
MN Nabi, Z Liu, N Hasan
International Journal of Emerging Markets, 1-25, 2022
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