Nhamo Chaukura
Nhamo Chaukura
Sol Plaatje University
Потвърден имейл адрес: spu.ac.za - Начална страница
Sources, behaviour, and environmental and human health risks of high-technology rare earth elements as emerging contaminants
W Gwenzi, L Mangori, C Danha, N Chaukura, N Dunjana, E Sanganyado
Science of the Total Environment 636, 299-313, 2018
Biochar-based water treatment systems as a potential low-cost and sustainable technology for clean water provision
W Gwenzi, N Chaukura, C Noubactep, FND Mukome
Journal of environmental management 197, 732-749, 2017
Triptycene-based polymers of intrinsic microporosity: organic materials that can be tailored for gas adsorption
BS Ghanem, M Hashem, KDM Harris, KJ Msayib, M Xu, PM Budd, ...
Macromolecules 43 (12), 5287-5294, 2010
Biochar production and applications in sub-Saharan Africa: Opportunities, constraints, risks and uncertainties
W Gwenzi, N Chaukura, FND Mukome, S Machado, B Nyamasoka
Journal of environmental management 150, 250-261, 2015
Synthesis, characterisation and methyl orange adsorption capacity of ferric oxide–biochar nano-composites derived from pulp and paper sludge
N Chaukura, EC Murimba, W Gwenzi
Applied Water Science 7, 2175-2186, 2017
Potential uses and value-added products derived from waste polystyrene in developing countries: A review
N Chaukura, W Gwenzi, T Bunhu, DT Ruziwa, I Pumure
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 107, 157-165, 2016
Organic contaminants in African aquatic systems: current knowledge, health risks, and future research directions
W Gwenzi, N Chaukura
Science of the Total Environment 619, 1493-1514, 2018
Synthesis and nutrient release patterns of a biochar-based N–P–K slow-release fertilizer
W Gwenzi, TJ Nyambishi, N Chaukura, N Mapope
International journal of environmental science and technology 15, 405-414, 2018
Nitrogen and hydrogen adsorption by an organic microporous crystal
KJ Msayib, D Book, PM Budd, N Chaukura, KDM Harris, M Helliwell, ...
Angewandte Chemie 121 (18), 3323-3327, 2009
Biosorbents for the removal of synthetic organics and emerging pollutants: opportunities and challenges for developing countries
N Chaukura, W Gwenzi, N Tavengwa, MM Manyuchi
Environmental Development 19, 84-89, 2016
Free volume investigation of polymers of intrinsic microporosity (PIMs): PIM-1 and PIM1 copolymers incorporating ethanoanthracene units
T Emmler, K Heinrich, D Fritsch, PM Budd, N Chaukura, D Ehlers, ...
Macromolecules 43 (14), 6075-6084, 2010
Contemporary issues on the occurrence and removal of disinfection byproducts in drinking water-a review
N Chaukura, SS Marais, W Moyo, N Mbali, LC Thakalekoala, T Ingwani, ...
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2), 103659, 2020
Aging and free volume in a polymer of intrinsic microporosity (PIM-1)
S Harms, K Rätzke, F Faupel, N Chaukura, PM Budd, W Egger, L Ravelli
The Journal of Adhesion 88 (7), 608-619, 2012
Strategies and options for the sustainable recovery of rare earth elements from electrical and electronic waste
C Ramprasad, W Gwenzi, N Chaukura, NIW Azelee, AU Rajapaksha, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 442, 135992, 2022
Biochars as media for air pollution control systems: Contaminant removal, applications and future research directions
W Gwenzi, N Chaukura, T Wenga, M Mtisi
Science of the Total Environment, 142249, 2021
Insects, rodents, and pets as reservoirs, vectors, and sentinels of antimicrobial resistance
W Gwenzi, N Chaukura, N Muisa-Zikali, C Teta, T Musvuugwa, P Rzymski, ...
Antibiotics 10 (1), 68, 2021
Pharmaceuticals in Wastewater and their Photocatalytic Degradation Using Nano-enabled Photocatalysts
DT Ruziwa, AE Oluwalana, M Mupa, L Meili, R Selvasembian, MM Nindi, M ...
Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2023
Recent advances in the polyurethane-based adsorbents for the decontamination of hazardous wastewater pollutants
R Selvasembian, W Gwenzi, N Chaukura, S Mthembu
Journal of Hazardous Materials 417, 125960, 2021
Sorptive removal of methylene blue from simulated wastewater using biochars derived from pulp and paper sludge
N Chaukura, EC Murimba, W Gwenzi
Environmental Technology & Innovation 8, 132-140, 2017
A new generation low-cost biochar-clay composite ‘biscuit’ceramic filter for point-of-use water treatment
N Chaukura, R Chiworeso, W Gwenzi, MM Motsa, W Munzeiwa, W Moyo, ...
Applied Clay Science 185, 105409, 2020
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