Prof. Dr. Adem TATAROĞLU
Prof. Dr. Adem TATAROĞLU
Потвърден имейл адрес: gazi.edu.tr
The role of interface states and series resistance on the I–V and C–V characteristics in Al/SnO2/p-Si Schottky diodes
Ş Altındal, S Karadeniz, N Tuğluoğlu, A Tataroğlu
Solid-State Electronics 47 (10), 1847-1854, 2003
Characterization of current–voltage (I–V) and capacitance–voltage–frequency (C–V–f) features of Al/SiO2/p-Si (MIS) Schottky diodes
A Tataroğlu, Ş Altındal
Microelectronic engineering 83 (3), 582-588, 2006
Frequency and voltage effects on the dielectric properties and electrical conductivity of Al–TiW–Pd2Si/n-Si structures
IM Afandiyeva, İ Dökme, Ş Altındal, MM Bülbül, A Tataroğlu
Microelectronic Engineering 85 (2), 247-252, 2008
The effect of interface states, excess capacitance and series resistance in the Al/SiO2/p-Si Schottky diodes
H Kanbur, Ş Altındal, A Tataroğlu
applied surface science 252 (5), 1732-1738, 2005
Density of interface states, excess capacitance and series resistance in the metal–insulator–semiconductor (MIS) solar cells
Ş Altındal, A Tataroğlu, İ Dökme
Solar energy materials and solar cells 85 (3), 345-358, 2005
The analysis of the series resistance and interface states of MIS Schottky diodes at high temperatures using I–V characteristics
A Tataroğlu, Ş Altındal
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 484 (1-2), 405-409, 2009
On the conduction mechanisms of Au/(Cu2O–CuO–PVA)/n-Si (MPS) Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) using current–voltage–temperature (I–V–T) characteristics
A Büyükbaş Uluşan, A Tataroğlu, Y Azizian-Kalandaragh, Ş Altındal
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 29, 159-170, 2018
Analysis of electrical characteristics of Au/SiO2/n-Si (MOS) capacitors using the high–low frequency capacitance and conductance methods
A Tataroğlu, Ş Altındal
microelectronic engineering 85 (11), 2256-2260, 2008
On the profile of frequency dependent series resistance and surface states in Au/Bi4Ti3O12/SiO2/n-Si (MFIS) structures
F Parlaktürk, Ş Altındal, A Tataroğlu, M Parlak, A Agasiev
Microelectronic engineering 85 (1), 81-88, 2008
The distribution of barrier heights in MIS type Schottky diodes from current–voltage–temperature (I–V–T) measurements
A Tataroğlu, Ş Altındal
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 479 (1-2), 893-897, 2009
On the profile of frequency dependent series resistance and dielectric constant in MIS structure
İ Yücedağ, Ş Altındal, A Tataroğlu
Microelectronic engineering 84 (1), 180-186, 2007
On the energy distribution of interface states and their relaxation time and capture cross section profiles in Al/SiO2/p-Si (MIS) Schottky diodes
Ş Altındal, H Kanbur, İ Yücedağ, A Tataroğlu
Microelectronic engineering 85 (7), 1495-1501, 2008
Electrical and dielectric properties of MIS Schottky diodes at low temperatures
A Tataroğlu
Microelectronic engineering 83 (11-12), 2551-2557, 2006
Frequency and voltage dependence of dielectric properties, complex electric modulus, and electrical conductivity in Au/7% graphene doped‐PVA/n‐Si (MPS) structures
S Altındal Yerişkin, M Balbaşı, A Tataroğlu
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 133 (33), 2016
Analysis of interface states and series resistance of MIS Schottky diodes using the current–voltage (I–V) characteristics
A Tataroğlu, Ş Altındal
Microelectronic Engineering 85 (1), 233-237, 2008
Analysis of surface states and series resistance in Au/n-Si Schottky diodes with insulator layer using current–voltage and admittance–voltage characteristics
Ş Altındal, İ Yücedağ, A Tataroğlu
Vacuum 84 (3), 363-368, 2009
Study on the frequency dependence of electrical and dielectric characteristics of Au/SnO2/n-Si (MIS) structures
A Tataroğlu, Ş Altındal
Microelectronic engineering 85 (9), 1866-1871, 2008
Photodiode and photocapacitor properties of Au/CdTe/p-Si/Al device
AS Dahlan, A Tataroğlu, AA Al-Ghamdi, AA Al-Ghamdi, S Bin-Omran, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 646, 1151-1156, 2015
Au/SnO2/n-Si (MOS) structures response to radiation and frequency
A Tataroğlu, Ş Altındal, S Karadeniz, N Tuğluoğlu
Microelectronics journal 34 (11), 1043-1049, 2003
Influence of temperature and frequency on dielectric permittivity and ac conductivity of Au/SnO2/n-Si (MOS) structures
R Ertuğrul, A Tataroğlu
Chinese Physics Letters 29 (7), 077304, 2012
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