Peyman Yariyan
Peyman Yariyan
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Improvement of best first decision trees using bagging and dagging ensembles for flood probability mapping
P Yariyan, S Janizadeh, T Van Phong, HD Nguyen, R Costache, ...
Water Resources Management 34, 3037-3053, 2020
Earthquake risk assessment using an integrated Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process with Artificial Neural Networks based on GIS: A case study of Sanandaj in Iran
P Yariyan, H Zabihi, ID Wolf, M Karami, S Amiriyan
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 50, 101705, 2020
Flood susceptibility mapping using an improved analytic network process with statistical models
P Yariyan, M Avand, RA Abbaspour, A Torabi Haghighi, R Costache, ...
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 11 (1), 2282-2314, 2020
GIS-based spatial modeling of snow avalanches using four novel ensemble models
P Yariyan, M Avand, RA Abbaspour, M Karami, JP Tiefenbacher
Science of The Total Environment 745, 141008, 2020
Optimization of Statistical and Machines Learning Hybrid Models for Groundwater Potential Mapping
P Yariyan, M Avand, E Omidvar, QB Pham, NTT Linh, JP Tiefenbacher
Geocarto International, 1-34, 2021
A new modeling approach for spatial prediction of flash flood with biogeography optimized CHAID tree ensemble and remote sensing data
VN Nguyen, P Yariyan, M Amiri, A Dang Tran, TD Pham, MP Do, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (9), 1373, 2020
Earthquake vulnerability mapping using different hybrid models
P Yariyan, M Avand, F Soltani, O Ghorbanzadeh, T Blaschke
Symmetry 12 (3), 405, 2020
A novel GIS-based ensemble technique for rangeland downward trend mapping as an ecological indicator change
S Yousefi, M Avand, P Yariyan, HR Pourghasemi, S Keesstra, S Tavangar, ...
Ecological Indicators 117, 106591, 2020
Identification of the most suitable afforestation sites by Juniperus excels specie using machine learning models: Firuzkuh semi-arid region, Iran
S Yousefi, M Avand, P Yariyan, HJ Goujani, R Costache, S Tavangar, ...
Ecological Informatics 65, 101427, 2021
Evaluating the application of K-mean clustering in Earthquake vulnerability mapping of Istanbul, Turkey
M Shafapourtehrany, P Yariyan, H Özener, B Pradhan, F Shabani
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 79, 103154, 2022
Assessment of Gini-, entropy-and ratio-based classification trees for groundwater potential modelling and prediction
O Rahmati, M Avand, P Yariyan, JP Tiefenbacher, A Azareh, DT Bui
Geocarto International 37 (12), 3397-3415, 2022
Spatial modeling of radon potential mapping using deep learning algorithms
M Panahi, P Yariyan, F Rezaie, SW Kim, A Sharifi, AA Alesheikh, J Lee, ...
Geocarto International 37 (25), 9560-9582, 2022
GIS-based seismic vulnerability mapping: a comparison of artificial neural networks hybrid models
P Yariyan, R Ali Abbaspour, A Chehreghan, MR Karami, A Cerda
Geocarto International 37 (15), 4312-4335, 2022
An optimization on machine learning algorithms for mapping snow avalanche susceptibility
P Yariyan, E Omidvar, F Minaei, R Ali Abbaspour, JP Tiefenbacher
Natural Hazards, 1-36, 2022
Exploitation of MCDA to Learn the Radial Base Neural Network (RBFNN) aim physical and social vulnerability analysis versus the earthquake (case study: Sanandaj City, Iran)
P Yariyan, MR Karami, R Ali Abbaspour
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2019
Evaluating novel hybrid models based on GIS for snow avalanche susceptibility mapping: A comparative study
P Yariyan, E Omidvar, M Karami, A Cerdà, QB Pham, JP Tiefenbacher
Cold Regions Science and Technology 194, 103453, 2022
Land subsidence spatial modeling and assessment of the contribution of geo-environmental factors to land subsidence: comparison of different novel ensemble modeling approaches
A Arabameri, P Yariyan, M Santosh
Earthquake vulnerability mapping using different hybrid models. Symmetry 12 (3): 405
P Yariyan, M Avand, F Soltani, O Ghorbanzadeh, T Blaschke
Spatial analysis of environmental factors influencing dust sources in the east of Iran using a new active-learning approach
P Yariyan, M Amiri, M Saffariha, M Avand, SS Ghiasi, JP Tiefenbacher
Geocarto International 37 (26), 11929-11954, 2022
Assessment and uncertainty urban vulnerability caused by earthquake using FAHP model (Case study: Sanandaj)
P Yariyan, M Karami
Journal of Geography and Environmental Hazards 8 (3), 203-185, 2019
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