Dongna MA
Dongna MA
School o Food science and technology, Jiangnan university
Потвърден имейл адрес: jiangnan.edu.cn
Haplotype-resolved genome assembly provides insights into evolutionary history of the tea plant Camellia sinensis
X Zhang, S Chen, L Shi, D Gong, S Zhang, Q Zhao, D Zhan, L Vasseur, ...
Nature Genetics 53 (8), 1250-1259, 2021
Genus-wide characterization of bumblebee genomes provides insights into their evolution and variation in ecological and behavioral traits
C Sun, J Huang, Y Wang, X Zhao, L Su, GWC Thomas, M Zhao, X Zhang, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 38 (2), 486-501, 2021
Genomic evidence of prevalent hybridization throughout the evolutionary history of the fig-wasp pollination mutualism
G Wang, X Zhang, EA Herre, D McKey, CA Machado, WB Yu, CH Cannon, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 718, 2021
Chromosome‐level reference genome assembly provides insights into aroma biosynthesis in passion fruit (Passiflora edulis)
D Ma, S Dong, S Zhang, X Wei, Q Xie, Q Ding, R Xia, X Zhang
Molecular Ecology Resources 21 (3), 955-968, 2021
Comparative Proteomic Analysis Reveals the Regulatory Effects of H2S on Salt Tolerance of Mangrove Plant Kandelia obovata
YL Liu, ZJ Shen, M Simon, H Li, DN Ma, XY Zhu, HL Zheng
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (1), 118, 2019
The final piece of the Triangle of U: Evolution of the tetraploid Brassica carinata genome
WC Yim, ML Swain, D Ma, H An, KA Bird, DD Curdie, S Wang, HD Ham, ...
The Plant Cell 34 (11), 4143-4172, 2022
RNA-seq analyses of Marine Medaka (Oryzias melastigma) reveals salinity responsive transcriptomes in the gills and livers
P Liang, HSA Saqib, Z Lin, R Zheng, Y Qiu, Y Xie, D Ma, Y Shen
Aquatic Toxicology 240, 105970, 2021
Unraveling hydrogen sulfide-promoted lateral root development and growth in mangrove plant Kandelia obovata: insight into regulatory mechanism by TMT-based …
H Li, K Ghoto, MY Wei, CH Gao, YL Liu, DN Ma, HL Zheng
Tree Physiology 41 (9), 1749-1766, 2021
Genome‐wide identification and characterization of aquaporins in mangrove plant Kandelia obovata and its role in response to the intertidal environment
Z Guo, D Ma, J Li, M Wei, L Zhang, L Zhou, X Zhou, S He, L Wang, Y Shen, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 45 (6), 1698-1718, 2022
Chromosome‐level assembly of the mangrove plant Aegiceras corniculatum genome generated through Illumina, PacBio and Hi‐C sequencing technologies
D Ma, Z Guo, Q Ding, Z Zhao, Z Shen, M Wei, C Gao, L Zhang, H Li, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 21 (5), 1593-1607, 2021
Proteome analysis reveals a systematic response of cold-acclimated seedlings of an exotic mangrove plant Sonneratia apetala to chilling stress
ZJ Shen, YY Qin, MR Luo, Z Li, DN Ma, WH Wang, HL Zheng
Journal of Proteomics 248, 104349, 2021
Environment microorganism and mature daqu powder shaped microbial community formation in mechanically strong-flavor daqu
S Liu, Y Zhou, D Ma, S Zhang, Y Dong, X Zhang, J Mao
Food Bioscience 52, 102467, 2023
Identification, characterization and expression analysis of lineage-specific genes within mangrove species Aegiceras corniculatum
D Ma, Q Ding, Z Guo, Z Zhao, L Wei, Y Li, S Song, HL Zheng
Molecular Genetics and Genomics 296 (6), 1235-1247, 2021
Segmental duplications: evolution and impact among the current Lepidoptera genomes
Q Zhao, D Ma, L Vasseur, M You
BMC Evolutionary Biology 17, 1-11, 2017
PlantPhoneDB: A manually curated pan‐plant database of ligand‐receptor pairs infers cell–cell communication
C Xu, D Ma, Q Ding, Y Zhou, HL Zheng
Plant Biotechnology Journal 20 (11), 2123-2134, 2022
The genome of a mangrove plant, Avicennia marina, provides insights into adaptation to coastal intertidal habitats
D Ma, Q Ding, Z Guo, C Xu, P Liang, Z Zhao, S Song, HL Zheng
Planta 256 (1), 6, 2022
Microbial community succession patterns and drivers of Luxiang-flavor Jiupei during long fermentation
X Liu, D Ma, C Yang, Q Yin, S Liu, C Shen, J Mao
Frontiers in Microbiology 14, 1109719, 2023
Exogenous hydrogen sulfide mediates Na+ and K+ fluxes of salt gland in salt-secreting mangrove plant Avicennia marina
MY Wei, H Li, LD Zhang, ZJ Guo, JY Liu, QS Ding, YH Zhong, J Li, DN Ma, ...
Tree Physiology 42 (9), 1812-1826, 2022
High-Quality Genome of the Medicinal Plant Strobilanthes cusia Provides Insights Into the Biosynthesis of Indole Alkaloids
Y Hu, D Ma, S Ning, Q Ye, X Zhao, Q Ding, P Liang, G Cai, X Ma, X Qin, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 742420, 2021
Identification, characterization and function of orphan genes among the current Cucurbitaceae genomes
D Ma, Z Lai, Q Ding, K Zhang, K Chang, S Li, Z Zhao, F Zhong
Frontiers in plant science 13, 872137, 2022
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