Ling Liu
Ling Liu
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Потвърден имейл адрес: ict.ac.cn
Service-aware 6G: An intelligent and open network based on the convergence of communication, computing and caching
Y Zhou, L Liu, L Wang, N Hui, X Cui, J Wu, Y Peng, Y Qi, C Xing
Digital Communications and Networks 6 (3), 253-260, 2020
Fog computing enabled future mobile communication networks: A convergence of communication and computing
Y Zhou, L Tian, L Liu, Y Qi
IEEE Communications Magazine 57 (5), 20-27, 2019
Load aware joint CoMP clustering and inter-cell resource scheduling in heterogeneous ultra dense cellular networks
L Liu, Y Zhou, V Garcia, L Tian, J Shi
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (3), 2741-2755, 2017
Economically optimal MS association for multimedia content delivery in cache-enabled heterogeneous cloud radio access networks
L Liu, Y Zhou, J Yuan, W Zhuang, Y Wang
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 37 (7), 1584-1593, 2019
Tractable coverage analysis for hexagonal macrocell-based heterogeneous UDNs with adaptive interference-aware CoMP
L Liu, Y Zhou, W Zhuang, J Yuan, L Tian
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 18 (1), 503-517, 2018
Traffic-aware task offloading based on convergence of communication and sensing in vehicular edge computing
Y Qi, Y Zhou, YF Liu, L Liu, Z Pan
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (24), 17762-17777, 2021
Joint clustering and inter-cell resource allocation for CoMP in ultra dense cellular networks
L Liu, V Garcia, L Tian, Z Pan, J Shi
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2560-2564, 2015
An overview on intercell interference management in mobile cellular networks: From 2G to 5G
Y Zhou, L Liu, H Du, L Tian, X Wang, J Shi
2014 IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems, 217-221, 2014
Deep reinforcement learning-based dynamic service migration in vehicular networks
Y Peng, L Liu, Y Zhou, J Shi, J Li
2019 IEEE Global communications conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2019
CPC-based backward-compatible network access for LTE cognitive radio cellular networks
L Liu, Y Zhou, L Tian, J Shi
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (7), 93-99, 2015
Computing and communication cost-aware service migration enabled by transfer reinforcement learning for dynamic vehicular edge computing networks
Y Peng, X Tang, Y Zhou, J Li, Y Qi, L Liu, H Lin
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 23 (1), 257-269, 2022
Adsorption behaviours and mechanisms of heavy metal ions’ impact on municipal waste composts with different degree of maturity
L Liu, X Guo, C Zhang, C Luo, C Xiao, R Li
Environmental technology, 2019
Time-domain ICIC and optimized designs for 5G and beyond: a survey
L Liu, Y Zhou, AV Vasilakos, L Tian, J Shi
Science China Information Sciences 62, 1-28, 2019
High order PSK modulation in massive MIMO systems with 1-bit ADCs
B Sun, Y Zhou, J Yuan, YF Liu, L Wang, L Liu
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 20 (4), 2652-2669, 2020
Delay optimized computation offloading and resource allocation for mobile edge computing
L Long, Z Liu, Y Zhou, L Liu, J Shi, Q Sun
2019 IEEE 90th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Fall), 1-5, 2019
Collaboration of heterogeneous edge computing paradigms: How to fill the gap between theory and practice
Q Cai, Y Zhou, L Liu, Y Qi, Z Pan, H Zhang
IEEE Wireless Communications 31 (1), 110-117, 2023
Delay aware flow scheduling for time sensitive fronthaul networks in centralized radio access network
Y Liu, Y Zhou, J Yuan, L Liu
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (5), 2992-3009, 2020
How to tame mobility in federated learning over mobile networks?
Y Peng, X Tang, Y Zhou, Y Hou, J Li, Y Qi, L Liu, H Lin
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 22 (12), 9640-9657, 2023
Distributed edge system orchestration for web-based mobile augmented reality services
P Ren, L Liu, X Qiao, J Chen
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 16 (3), 1778-1792, 2022
Crowd-sensing assisted vehicular distributed computing for HD map update
Y Qi, Y Zhou, Z Pan, L Liu, J Shi
ICC 2021-IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-6, 2021
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