Guadalupe Huelsz
Guadalupe Huelsz
Instituto de Energías Renovables, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
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Envelope wall/roof thermal performance parameters for non air-conditioned buildings
G Barrios, G Huelsz, J Rojas, JM Ochoa, I Marincic
Energy and Buildings 50, 120-127, 2012
Wall/roof thermal performance differences between air-conditioned and non air-conditioned rooms
G Barrios, G Huelsz, R Rechtman, J Rojas
Energy and Buildings 43 (1), 219-223, 2011
Thermal performance of envelope wall/roofs of intermittent air-conditioned rooms
G Barrios, G Huelsz, J Rojas
Applied Thermal Engineering 40, 1-7, 2012
Heat transfer due to natural convection in an inclined square cavity using the lattice Boltzmann equation method
G Huelsz, R Rechtman
International journal of thermal sciences 65, 111-119, 2013
Particle image velocimetry of the unstable capillary flow of a micellar solution
AF Méndez-Sánchez, J Pérez-González, L de Vargas, JR Castrejón-Pita, ...
Journal of Rheology 47 (6), 1455-1466, 2003
Experimental observation of dramatic differences in the dynamic response of Newtonian and Maxwellian fluids
JR Castrejón-Pita, JA Del Río, AA Castrejón-Pita, G Huelsz
Physical Review E 68 (4), 046301, 2003
A thermal study of optical fibres transmitting concentrated solarenergy
OA Jaramillo, JA Del Rio, G Huelsz
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 32 (9), 1000, 1999
Heat-to-electricity thermoacoustic-magnetohydrodynamic conversion
AA Castrejón-Pita, G Huelsz
Applied physics letters 90 (17), 2007
Rheometry− PIV of Shear-Thickening Wormlike Micelles
BM Marín-Santibáñez, J Pérez-González, L de Vargas, ...
Langmuir 22 (9), 4015-4026, 2006
Experimental study on natural ventilation of a room with a windward window and different windexchangers
MV Cruz-Salas, JA Castillo, G Huelsz
Energy and Buildings 84, 458-465, 2014
Hysteresis effects on the thermal performance of building envelope PCM-walls
E Moreles, G Huelsz, G Barrios
Building Simulation 11, 519-531, 2018
Measurements of the bulk and interfacial velocity profiles in oscillating Newtonian and Maxwellian fluids
M Torralba, JR Castrejón-Pita, AA Castrejón-Pita, G Huelsz, JA Del Río, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 72 (1 …, 2005
Hot-wire anemometry in acoustic waves
G Huelsz, F Lopez-Alquicira
Experiments in fluids 30 (3), 283-285, 2001
A methodology to evaluate the indoor natural ventilation in hot climates: Heat Balance Index
JA Castillo, G Huelsz
Building and Environment 114, 366-373, 2017
Temperature measurements inside the oscillatory boundary layer produced by acoustic waves
G Huelsz, E Ramos
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 103 (3), 1532-1537, 1998
Natural ventilation of an isolated generic building with a windward window and different windexchangers: CFD validation, sensitivity study and performance analysis
JA Castillo, G Huelsz, T van Hooff, B Blocken
Building Simulation 12, 475-488, 2019
Total energy balance method for venting electric clothes dryers
G Huelsz, L Urbiola-Soto, F López-Alquicira, R Rechtman, ...
Drying Technology 31 (5), 576-586, 2013
Effect of windexchanger duct cross-section area and geometry on the room airflow distribution
MV Cruz-Salas, JA Castillo, G Huelsz
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 179, 514-523, 2018
Instabilities in the oscillatory flow of a complex fluid
M Torralba, AA Castrejón-Pita, G Hernández, G Huelsz, JA Del Rio, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75 (5 …, 2007
Equivalent-homogeneous-layers-set method for time-dependent heat transfer through hollow-block walls
G Huelsz, G Barrios, J Rojas
Applied Thermal Engineering 102, 1019-1023, 2016
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