Tohari Ahmad
Pair-polar coordinate-based cancelable fingerprint templates
T Ahmad, J Hu, S Wang
Pattern recognition 44 (10-11), 2555-2564, 2011
A fingerprint based bio‐cryptographic security protocol designed for client/server authentication in mobile computing environment
K Xi, T Ahmad, F Han, J Hu
Security and Communication Networks 4 (5), 487-499, 2011
Hybrid Association Rule Learning and Process Mining for Fraud Detection.
R Sarno, RD Dewandono, T Ahmad, MF Naufal, F Sinaga
IAENG International Journal of Computer Science 42 (2), 2015
Information hiding scheme for digital images using difference expansion and modulus function
P Maniriho, T Ahmad
Journal of king saud university-computer and information sciences 31 (3 …, 2019
Data preprocessing and feature selection for machine learning intrusion detection systems
T Ahmad, MN Aziz
ICIC Express Lett 13 (2), 93-101, 2019
Anomaly-based intrusion detection approach for IoT networks using machine learning
P Maniriho, E Niyigaba, Z Bizimana, V Twiringiyimana, LJ Mahoro, ...
2020 international conference on computer engineering, network, and …, 2020
A hybrid machine learning method for increasing the performance of network intrusion detection systems
AA Megantara, T Ahmad
Journal of Big Data 8 (1), 142, 2021
An efficient mobile voting system security scheme based on elliptic curve cryptography
T Ahmad, J Hu, S Han
2009 Third International Conference on Network and System Security, 474-479, 2009
Analyzing the performance of machine learning algorithms in anomaly network intrusion detection systems
P Maniriho, T Ahmad
2018 4th international conference on science and technology (ICST), 1-6, 2018
Fuzzy MADM approach for rating of process-based fraud
S Huda, R Sarno, T Ahmad
Journal of ICT Research and Applications 9 (2), 111-128, 2015
An Improved Quad and RDE-based Medical Data Hiding Method
T Ahmad, M Holil, W Wibisono, RM Ijtihadie
CYBERNETICSCOM, 141-145, 2013
Penggunaan Internet dan Teknologi IoT untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan
AM Shiddiqi, RM Ijtihadie, T Ahmad, W Wibisono, R Anggoro, BJ Santos
Sewagati 4 (3), 235-240, 2020
Detecting Intrusions in Computer Network Traffic with Machine Learning Approaches.
P Maniriho, LJ Mahoro, E Niyigaba, Z Bizimana, T Ahmad
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering & Systems 13 (3), 2020
Falls detection and notification system using tri-axial accelerometer and gyroscope sensors of a smartphone
W Wibisono, DN Arifin, BA Pratomo, T Ahmad, RM Ijtihadie
2013 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence …, 2013
Identification of Process-based Fraud Patterns in Credit Application
S Huda, T Ahmad, R Sarno, HA Santoso
A convolutional neural network to detect possible hidden data in spatial domain images
JDLC Ntivuguruzwa, T Ahmad
Cybersecurity 6 (1), 23, 2023
Improving intrusion detection system by estimating parameters of random forest in Boruta
AN Iman, T Ahmad
2020 International Conference on Smart Technology and Applications (ICoSTA), 1-6, 2020
Toward secret data location via fuzzy logic and convolutional neural network
NJ De La Croix, T Ahmad
Egyptian Informatics Journal 24 (3), 100385, 2023
Secret message protection using fuzzy logic and difference expansion in digital images
NJ De La Croix, CC Islamy, T Ahmad
2022 IEEE Nigeria 4th International Conference on Disruptive Technologies …, 2022
Variance threshold as early screening to Boruta feature selection for intrusion detection system
MAFA Fida, T Ahmad, M Ntahobari
2021 13th International Conference on Information & Communication Technology …, 2021
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