Yu-Chin Her
Yu-Chin Her
Потвърден имейл адрес: soc.ku.dk
Tinder blue, mental flu? Exploring the associations between Tinder use and well-being
YC Her, E Timmermans
Information, Communication & Society 24 (9), 1303-1319, 2021
Siblings' similarities and dissimilarities: A review of theoretical perspectives and empirical insights
YC Her, ZZ Batur, J Vergauwen, D Mortelmans
Journal of Family Theory & Review 13 (4), 447-462, 2021
Nest leaver or home stayer? Sibling influence on parental home leaving in the United Kingdom
YC Her, J Vergauwen, D Mortelmans
Advances in life course research 52, 100464, 2022
The female nude and the naked guy: declarative and nondeclarative personal culture in aesthetic responses to artistic nude photography
M Berghman, T Calkins, K van Eijck, YC Her
American Journal of Cultural Sociology 11 (4), 419-443, 2023
Do birds of a feather leave the nest together? The role of sibling personality similarity in the transition to adulthood
YC Her, J Vergauwen, D Mortelmans
PLoS One 18 (5), e0284808, 2023
Sibling transmission of relationship breakup: Does partnership type matter?
YC Her, J Vergauwen, D Mortelmans
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 41 (10), 3061-3084, 2024
Jumping together or not? Associations between siblings’ relationship quality and fertility transitions
YC Her, M Kalmijn
Social Science Research 122, 103054, 2024
Like Brother, Like Sister? Disentangling the Intertwined Associations Between Siblings' Life Course Trajectories: Proefschrift
YC Her
Like brother, like sister? Disentangling the intertwined associations between siblings’ life course trajectories
YC Her
University of Antwerp, 2024
Beïnvloedt het hebben van een relatie en het datingleven het welbevinden van jongvolwassenen?
YC Her, N Van Eekert
Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving 39 (7), 5-7, 2023
Een sociologische kijk op de relatie tussen broers en zussen: hechte band of felle competitie?
YC Her, ZZ Batur, J Vergauwen, D Mortelmans
Broer of zus, de match van je leven: fairness in siblingrelaties/Emmery, K …, 2021
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