Jeff Shimeta
Jeff Shimeta
Associate Professor, School of Science, RMIT University
Потвърден имейл адрес: rmit.edu.au
Assimilation of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers from Microplastics by the Marine Amphipod, Allorchestes Compressa
EM Chua, J Shimeta, D Nugegoda, PD Morrison, BO Clarke
Environmental science & technology 48 (14), 8127-8134, 2014
Chemical pollutants sorbed to ingested microbeads from personal care products accumulate in fish
P Wardrop, J Shimeta, D Nugegoda, PD Morrison, A Miranda, M Tang, ...
Environmental science & technology 50 (7), 4037-4044, 2016
Physical mechanisms and rates of particle capture by suspension feeders
J Shimeta, PA Jumars
Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Annu. Rev 29, 191-257, 1991
An investigation into per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in nineteen Australian wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs)
TL Coggan, D Moodie, A Kolobaric, D Szabo, J Shimeta, ND Crosbie, ...
Heliyon 5 (8), 2019
Effects of pesticides monitored with three sampling methods in 24 sites on macroinvertebrates and microorganisms
RB Schäfer, V Pettigrove, G Rose, G Allinson, A Wightwick, ...
Environmental science & technology 45 (4), 1665-1672, 2011
Invertebrate responses to microplastic ingestion: Reviewing the role of the antioxidant system
C Trestrail, D Nugegoda, J Shimeta
Science of The Total Environment 734, 138559, 2020
A systematic review and ecological risk assessment for organic ultraviolet filters in aquatic environments
M Carve, D Nugegoda, G Allinson, J Shimeta
Environmental Pollution 268, 115894, 2021
Mechanisms of particle selection by tentaculate suspension feeders during encounter, retention, and handling
J Shimeta, MAR Koehl
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 209 (1-2), 47-73, 1997
A single analytical method for the determination of 53 legacy and emerging per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in aqueous matrices
TL Coggan, T Anumol, J Pyke, J Shimeta, BO Clarke
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 411, 3507-3520, 2019
Molecular characterization of antibiotic resistance in Pseudomonas and Aeromonas isolates from catfish of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
HNK Nguyen, TTH Van, HT Nguyen, PM Smooker, J Shimeta, PJ Coloe
Veterinary Microbiology 171 (3-4), 397-405, 2014
Diffusional encounter of submicrometer particles and small cells by suspension feeders
J Shimeta
Limnology and oceanography 38 (2), 456-465, 1993
Microplastics alter digestive enzyme activities in the marine bivalve, Mytilus galloprovincialis
C Trestrail, M Walpitagama, A Miranda, D Nugegoda, J Shimeta
Science of The Total Environment 779, 146418, 2021
Influences of turbulence on suspension feeding by planktonic protozoa; experiments in laminar shear fields
J Shimeta, PA Jumars, EJ Lessard
Limnology and Oceanography 40 (5), 845-859, 1995
Foaming at the mouth: Ingestion of floral foam microplastics by aquatic animals
C Trestrail, M Walpitagama, C Hedges, A Truskewycz, A Miranda, ...
Science of The Total Environment 705, 135826, 2020
Effects of surface texture and interrelated properties on marine biofouling: a systematic review
M Carve, A Scardino, J Shimeta
Biofouling 35 (6), 597-617, 2019
Trends in environmental and toxicity research on organic ultraviolet filters: A scientometric review
M Carve, G Allinson, D Nugegoda, J Shimeta
Science of The Total Environment 773, 145628, 2021
Community assembly of microbial habitat generalists and specialists in urban aquatic ecosystems explained more by habitat type than pollution gradient
MA Al, Y Xue, P Xiao, J Xu, H Chen, Y Mo, J Shimeta, J Yang
Water Research 220, 118693, 2022
Sequential resuspension of protists by accelerating tidal flow: implications for community structure in the benthic boundary layer
J Shimeta, CL Amos, SE Beaulieu, OM Ashiru
Limnology and Oceanography 47 (4), 1152-1164, 2002
An assessment of the dynamic stability of microorganisms on patterned surfaces in relation to biofouling control
P Halder, M Nasabi, N Jayasuriya, J Shimeta, M Deighton, ...
Biofouling 30 (6), 695-707, 2014
Influences of biofilm-associated ciliates on the settlement of marine invertebrate larvae
J Shimeta, J Cutajar, MG Watson, T Vlamis
Marine Ecology Progress Series 449, 1-12, 2012
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