Drazen Zgaljic
Drazen Zgaljic
Profesor tehničkih znanosti, Sveučilište u Rijeci
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Improving maritime transport sustainability using blockchain-based information exchange
M Jović, E Tijan, D Žgaljić, S Aksentijević
Sustainability 12 (21), 8866, 2020
The role of port authority in port governance and port community system implementation
E Tijan, M Jović, A Panjako, D Žgaljić
Sustainability 13 (5), 2795, 2021
Značenje multimodalnog, intermodalnog i kombiniranog prijevoza u razvoju pomorskih prometnica
D Žgaljić, Z Perkušić, D Schiozzi
Pomorski zbornik 49 (1), 265-279, 2015
Emerging trends in e-logistics
G Miscevic, E Tijan, D Žgaljić, M Jardas
2018 41st international convention on information and communication …, 2018
The port system in addressing sustainability issues—a systematic review of research
K Balić, D Žgaljić, H Ukić Boljat, M Slišković
Journal of marine science and engineering 10 (8), 1048, 2022
Analysis of Croatian ports in respect to Motorways of the Sea implementation
Č Dundović, A Jugović, D Žgaljić
Proceedings of the 4th international maritime science conference, 16-17, 2012
A model of enhancing the development of intermodal transport in the Adriatic Region
A Jugović, D Žgaljić, T Poletan Jugović
Pomorstvo 24 (2), 129-146, 2010
SWOT analysis of selected digital technologies in transport economics
M Jović, E Tijan, D Žgaljić, P Karanikić
2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and …, 2020
Assessing the possibilities of integrating ports into the circular economy
M Sirotić, D Žgaljić, R Oblak
Tehnički vjesnik 29 (2), 721-730, 2022
Implementation of sustainable motorways of the sea services multi-criteria analysis of a Croatian port system
D Žgaljić, E Tijan, A Jugović, T Poletan Jugović
Sustainability 11 (23), 6827, 2019
Model poticaja razvoja intermodalnog prijevoza jadranske regije u funkciji održivog razvoja
A Jugović, D Žgaljić, T Poletan Jugović
Pomorstvo 24 (2), 129-146, 2010
Factors affecting container seaport competitiveness: Case study on Port of Rijeka
E Tijan, M Jović, D Žgaljić, S Aksentijević
Journal of marine science and engineering 10 (10), 1346, 2022
The role of port authority in port governance and port community system implementation. Sustainability, 13 (5), 2795
E Tijan, M Jović, A Panjako, D Žgaljić
Disruptive innovations in electronic transportation management systems
M Jović, E Tijan, S Aksentijević, D Žgaljić
Dynamic smart numbering of modular cargo containers
S Aksentijević, E Tijan, N Kapidani, D Žgaljić
Sustainability 14 (14), 8548, 2022
Model pomorskih prometnica u funkciji razvoja intermodalnog prijevoza
D Žgaljić
University of Rijeka. Faculty of Maritime Studies, Rijeka, 2014
Adriatic short sea shipping development
N Jolić, D Žgaljić, M Bukljaš Skočibušić
5th International conference on maritime transport-MT'12, 1091-1103, 2012
The development of Adriatic Motorways of the Sea for sustainable development of intermodal transportation
D Žgaljić, M Cukrov, D Tsamboulas, A Chiappetta
Prometno trţište: Intermodalnost & Liberalizacija, 190-198, 2011
Market analysis and affirmation factors of the Northern Sea Route
T Poletan Jugović, D Žgaljić, K Balić
Transactions on maritime science 9 (01), 72-81, 2020
Competitive sustainability of a transport route in the transport service market
T Poletan Jugović, M Šimić Hlača, D Žgaljić
Pomorstvo 28 (2), 128-136, 2014
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