Zilong Jin
Resource allocation and trust computing for blockchain-enabled edge computing system
L Zhang, Y Zou, W Wang, Z Jin, Y Su, H Chen
Computers & Security 105, 102249, 2021
Research on a covert communication model realized by using smart contracts in blockchain environment
L Zhang, Z Zhang, W Wang, Z Jin, Y Su, H Chen
IEEE Systems Journal 16 (2), 2822-2833, 2021
Smart contract vulnerability detection combined with multi-objective detection
L Zhang, J Wang, W Wang, Z Jin, Y Su, H Chen
Computer Networks 217, 109289, 2022
Cbgru: A detection method of smart contract vulnerability based on a hybrid model
L Zhang, W Chen, W Wang, Z Jin, C Zhao, Z Cai, H Chen
Sensors 22 (9), 3577, 2022
Secure and efficient data storage and sharing scheme for blockchain‐based mobile‐edge computing
L Zhang, M Peng, W Wang, Z Jin, Y Su, H Chen
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 32 (10), e4315, 2021
A novel smart contract vulnerability detection method based on information graph and ensemble learning
L Zhang, J Wang, W Wang, Z Jin, C Zhao, Z Cai, H Chen
Sensors 22 (9), 3581, 2022
A resource allocation scheme for joint optimizing energy consumption and delay in collaborative edge computing-based industrial IoT
Z Jin, C Zhang, Y Jin, L Zhang, J Su
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 18 (9), 6236-6243, 2021
Channel status learning for cooperative spectrum sensing in energy-restricted cognitive radio networks
Z Jin, K Yao, B Lee, J Cho, L Zhang
IEEE Access 7, 64946-64954, 2019
SPCBIG-EC: a robust serial hybrid model for smart contract vulnerability detection
L Zhang, Y Li, T Jin, W Wang, Z Jin, C Zhao, Z Cai, H Chen
Sensors 22 (12), 4621, 2022
High-capacity robust image steganography via adversarial network
B Chen, J Wang, Y Chen, Z Jin, HJ Shim, YQ Shi
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) 14 (1), 366-381, 2020
BDSS: Blockchain-based data sharing scheme with fine-grained access control and permission revocation in medical environment
L Zhang, Y Zou, MH Yousuf, W Wang, Z Jin, Y Su, S Kim
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) 16 (5), 1634-1652, 2022
A research on traceability technology of agricultural products supply chain based on blockchain and IPFS
L Zhang, W Zeng, Z Jin, Y Su, H Chen
Security and Communication Networks 2021 (1), 3298514, 2021
An approach of covert communication based on the Ethereum whisper protocol in blockchain
L Zhang, Z Zhang, Z Jin, Y Su, Z Wang
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 36 (2), 962-996, 2021
Transmission power control with the guaranteed communication reliability in WSN
DY Kim, Z Jin, J Choi, B Lee, J Cho
International journal of distributed sensor networks 11 (10), 632590, 2015
The research on social networks public opinion propagation influence models and its controllability
L Zhang, T Wang, Z Jin, N Su, C Zhao, Y He
China Communications 15 (7), 98-110, 2018
A prediction algorithm for coexistence problem in multiple-WBAN environment
Z Jin, Y Han, J Cho, B Lee
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 11 (3), 386842, 2015
A Sobel operator combined with patch statistics algorithm for fabric defect detection
J Jiang, Z Jin, B Wang, L Ma, Y Cui
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) 14 (2), 687-701, 2020
An analysis on optimal cluster ratio in cluster-based wireless sensor networks
Z Jin, DY Kim, J Cho, B Lee
IEEE Sensors Journal 15 (11), 6413-6423, 2015
Security and privacy in 5G internet of vehicles (IoV) environment
BK Osibo, C Zhang, C Xia, G Zhao, Z Jin
Journal on Internet of Things 3 (2), 77, 2021
Design and implementation of a single radio multi-channel MAC protocol on IEEE 802.15. 4 for WBAN
K Cho, Z Jin, J Cho
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on ubiquitous information …, 2014
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