Brahim Aïssa
Brahim Aïssa
QEERI (HBKU) and Space & Photonics, MPB Communications Inc., and INRS-EMT
Потвърден имейл адрес: mpbc.ca
Ultrahigh-flux and fouling-resistant membranes based on layered silver/MXene (Ti 3 C 2 T x) nanosheets
RP Pandey, K Rasool, VE Madhavan, B Aïssa, Y Gogotsi, KA Mahmoud
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (8), 3522-3533, 2018
Ultraviolet‐assisted direct‐write fabrication of carbon nanotube/polymer nanocomposite microcoils
LL Lebel, B Aissa, MAE Khakani, D Therriault
Advanced Materials 22 (5), 592-596, 2010
Self‐healing materials systems: Overview of major approaches and recent developed technologies
B Aïssa, D Therriault, E Haddad, W Jamroz
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2012 (1), 854203, 2012
Insight into organometallic intermediate and its evolution to covalent bonding in surface-confined Ullmann polymerization
GC Marco Di Giovannantonio, Mohamed El Garah, Josh Lipton-Duffin, Vincent ...
ACS Nano 7 (9), 8190-8198, 2013
Phase diagram of the ultrafast photoinduced insulator-metal transition in vanadium dioxide
FAH TL Cocker, LV Titova, S Fourmaux, G Holloway, H-C Bandulet, D Brassard ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (15), 155120, 2012
A review on progress made in direct air capture of CO2
A Sodiq, Y Abdullatif, B Aissa, A Ostovar, N Nassar, M El-Naas, ...
Environmental Technology & Innovation 29, 102991, 2023
Vibration‐based piezoelectric, electromagnetic, and hybrid energy harvesters for microsystems applications: a contributed review
M Iqbal, MM Nauman, FU Khan, PE Abas, Q Cheok, A Iqbal, B Aissa
International journal of energy research 45 (1), 65-102, 2021
Recent progress in the growth and applications of graphene as a smart material: a review
B Aissa, NK Memon, A Ali, MK Khraisheh
Frontiers in Materials 2, 58, 2015
Direct-write fabrication of freestanding nanocomposite strain sensors
DT Rouhollah Dermanaki Farahani, Hamid Dalir, Vincent Le Borgne, Loick A ...
Nanotechnology 23 (8), 085502, 2012
Metamaterials and metasurfaces: A review from the perspectives of materials, mechanisms and advanced metadevices
A Ali, A Mitra, B Aïssa
Nanomaterials 12 (6), 1027, 2022
Properties of polylactide inks for solvent-cast printing of three-dimensional freeform microstructures
SZ Guo, MC Heuzey, B Aissa, D Therriault
Langmuir 30 (4), 1142-1150, 2014
Growth, structure, and properties of epitaxial thin films of first-principles predicted multiferroic Bi2FeCrO6
R Nechache, C Harnagea, A Pignolet, F Normandin, T Veres, ...
Applied physics letters 89 (10), 2006
Recent advances on the applications of phase change materials for solar collectors, practical limitations, and challenges: A critical review
A Mourad, A Aissa, Z Said, O Younis, M Iqbal, A Alazzam
Journal of Energy Storage 49, 104186, 2022
Structural and physical properties of the dust particles in Qatar and their influence on the PV panel performance
Brahim Aïssa, Rima J. Isaifan, Vinod E. Madhavan, Amir A. Abdallah
Scientific Reports 6, 31467, 2016
Transport properties of a highly conductive 2D Ti3C2Tx MXene/graphene composite
B Aïssa, A Ali, KA Mahmoud, T Haddad, M Nedil
Applied Physics Letters 109 (4), 2016
The impact of silicon solar cell architecture and cell interconnection on energy yield in hot & sunny climates
J Haschke, JP Seif, Y Riesen, A Tomasi, J Cattin, L Tous, P Choulat, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 10 (5), 1196-1206, 2017
Engineering interfacial structure in “Giant” PbS/CdS quantum dots for photoelectrochemical solar energy conversion
J Lei, XT Gianluca, Sirigu, C Andrea, P Andrea, N Giuseppe, S Corrado, ...
Nano Energy 30, 531-541, 2016
Artificial intelligence and machine learning to predict student performance during the COVID-19
A Tarik, H Aissa, F Yousef
Procedia Computer Science 184, 835-840, 2021
Encapsulated cobalt nanoparticles as a recoverable catalyst for the hydrolysis of sodium borohydride
AAP Jinghua Li, Xianyong Hong, Yilong Wang, Yumei Luo, Pengru Huang, Bin Li ...
Energy Storage Materials 27, 187-197, 2020
Improved Self-cleaning Properties of an Efficient and Easy to Scale up TiO2 Thin Films Prepared by Adsorptive Self-Assembly
RJ Isaifan, A Samara, W Suwaileh, D Johnson, W Yiming, AA Abdallah, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 9466, 2017
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