Chebyshev and Fourier spectral methods JP Boyd Courier Corporation, 2001 | 7503 | 2001 |
Discourse on Fourier series C Lanczos, J Boyd Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2016 | 472 | 2016 |
Spectral methods using rational basis functions on an infinite interval JP Boyd Journal of computational physics 69 (1), 112-142, 1987 | 320 | 1987 |
The devil's invention: asymptotic, superasymptotic and hyperasymptotic series JP Boyd Acta Applicandae Mathematica 56, 1-98, 1999 | 317 | 1999 |
Orthogonal rational functions on a semi-infinite interval JP Boyd Journal of Computational Physics 70 (1), 63-88, 1987 | 304 | 1987 |
The noninteraction of waves with the zonally averaged flow on a spherical earth and the interrelationships on eddy fluxes of energy, heat and momentum JP Boyd Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 33 (12), 2285-2291, 1976 | 296 | 1976 |
Equatorial solitary waves. Part I: Rossby solitons JP Boyd Journal of Physical Oceanography 10 (11), 1699-1717, 1980 | 239 | 1980 |
The optimization of convergence for Chebyshev polynomial methods in an unbounded domain JP Boyd Journal of computational physics 45 (1), 43-79, 1982 | 227 | 1982 |
Padé approximant algorithm for solving nonlinear ordinary differential equation boundary value problems on an unbounded domain JP Boyd Computers in Physics 11 (3), 299-303, 1997 | 214 | 1997 |
Weakly non-local solitons for capillary-gravity waves: fifth-degree Korteweg-de Vries equation JP Boyd Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 48 (1), 129-146, 1991 | 204 | 1991 |
Weakly nonlocal solitary waves and beyond-all-orders asymptotics: generalized solitons and hyperasymptotic perturbation theory JP Boyd Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 197 | 2012 |
A staggered spectral element model with application to the oceanic shallow water equations M Iskandarani, DB Haidvogel, JP Boyd International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 20 (5), 393-414, 1995 | 180 | 1995 |
A comparison of numerical algorithms for Fourier extension of the first, second, and third kinds JP Boyd Journal of Computational Physics 178 (1), 118-160, 2002 | 168 | 2002 |
Pseudospectral methods on a semi-infinite interval with application to the hydrogen atom: a comparison of the mapped Fourier-sine method with Laguerre series and rational … JP Boyd, C Rangan, PH Bucksbaum Journal of Computational Physics 188 (1), 56-74, 2003 | 138 | 2003 |
The effects of latitudinal shear on equatorial waves. Part I: Theory and methods JNP Bovo | 133 | 1978 |
An analytical and numerical study of the two-dimensional Bratu equation JP Boyd Journal of Scientific Computing 1, 183-206, 1986 | 126 | 1986 |
Two comments on filtering (artificial viscosity) for Chebyshev and Legendre spectral and spectral element methods: preserving boundary conditions and interpretation of the … JP Boyd Journal of Computational Physics 143 (1), 283-288, 1998 | 124 | 1998 |
Chebyshev and Fourier Spectral Methods. 2001 JP Boyd Mineola, New York, 118-119, 0 | 124 | |
Chebyshev polynomial expansions for simultaneous approximation of two branches of a function with application to the one-dimensional Bratu equation JP Boyd Applied mathematics and computation 143 (2-3), 189-200, 2003 | 121 | 2003 |
Asymptotic coefficients of Hermite function series JP Boyd Journal of Computational Physics 54 (3), 382-410, 1984 | 119 | 1984 |