Mark Pluymaekers
Mark Pluymaekers
Professor of Professional Communication in a Digitalizing Society, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences
Потвърден имейл адрес: zuyd.nl
Trust in humanoid robots: implications for services marketing
MME Van Pinxteren, RWH Wetzels, J Rüger, M Pluymaekers, M Wetzels
Journal of Services Marketing 33 (4), 507-518, 2019
Lexical frequency and acoustic reduction in spoken Dutch
M Pluymaekers, M Ernestus, RH Baayen
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 118 (4), 2561-2569, 2005
Human-like communication in conversational agents: a literature review and research agenda
MME Van Pinxteren, M Pluymaekers, JGAM Lemmink
Journal of Service Management 31 (2), 203-225, 2020
Articulatory planning is continuous and sensitive to informational redundancy
M Pluymaekers, M Ernestus, R Baayen
Phonetica 62 (2-4), 146-159, 2005
Trust and affective commitment as energizing forces for export performance
J Bloemer, M Pluymaekers, A Odekerken
International Business Review 22 (2), 363-380, 2013
Morphological predictability and acoustic duration of interfixes in Dutch compounds
V Kuperman, M Pluymaekers, M Ernestus, H Baayen
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 121 (4), 2261-2271, 2007
Morphological effects on fine phonetic detail: The case of Dutch-igheid
M Pluymaekers, MTC Ernestus, RH Baayen, GE Booij
Mouton de Gruyter, 2010
Effects of communication style on relational outcomes in interactions between customers and embodied conversational agents
MME van Pinxteren, M Pluymaekers, J Lemmink, A Krispin
Psychology & Marketing 40 (5), 938-953, 2023
Why go the extra mile? How different degrees of post-editing affect perceptions of texts, senders and products among end users
GMW Van Egdom, M Pluymaekers
Journal of specialised translation 31, 158-176, 2019
Effects of word frequency on the acoustic durations of affixes
M Pluymaekers, MTC Ernestus, RH Baayen
Pittsburgh, USA: Curran Associates Inc, 2006
Promoting international learning outcomes during a study abroad: the moderating role of internationalisation at home
J Boonen, A Hoefnagels, M Pluymaekers, A Odekerken
International Journal of Educational Management 35 (7), 1431-1444, 2021
It’s part of the job: How webcare agents regulate their emotions during service interactions on Facebook and Twitter
S Widdershoven, M Pluymaekers, JMM Bloemer
Discourse, Context & Media 41, 100500, 2021
Frequency and acoustic length: the case of derivational affixes in Dutch
M Pluymaekers, M Ernestus, RH Baayen
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 118, 2561-2569, 2005
The Development of Intercultural Competencies During a Stay Abroad: Does Cultural Distance Matter?
J Boonen, A Hoefnagels, M Pluymaekers
The Three Cs of Higher Education: Competition, Collaboration and …, 2019
The impact of communicative competence on export performance: A Relationship management approach,“
J Bloemer, M Pluymaekers, A Odekerken
Translation and meaning, 2013
How Twitter challenged McDonald’s Japan’s 40-year honeymoon with its customers
P Sinclair, M Pluymaekers, S Widdershoven, H Zourrig
Research Journal of the Institute for Public Relations 3 (2), 2017
Affix reduction in spoken Dutch: Probabilistic effects in production and perception
M Pluymaekers
Radboud University Nijmegen Nijmegen, 2007
The role of morphology in fine phonetic detail: The case of Dutch-igheid
M Pluymaekers, M Ernestus, RH Baayen, G Booij
10th Conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon), 53-54, 2006
Calming the storm: How non-negative messages from fellow consumers can dispel negativity in a social media firestorm
S Widdershoven, M Pluymaekers, H Zourrig, P Sinclair, JMM Bloemer
International Journal of Business Communication 61 (1), 18-38, 2024
The use of MT by undergraduate translation students for different learning tasks
J Bindels, M Pluymaekers
Journal of Data Mining & Digital Humanities, 2022
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